“Good luck with the future, gentlemen,” County Court Judge Kellie Blair said to the pair, as she stepped off the bench at the end of hearing.

  • interolivary
    8 months ago

    She’s not insane, she’s a fascist.

    If it was insanity, it’d be easier to understand her actions – she might not be completely completely in control of herself or aware of what she’s doing. She knows what she’s doing.

      • interolivary
        78 months ago

        Whoop, good point. I did read the article, it’s just that my native language has no grammatical gender so it’s like stupid easy to slip up with this stuff

        • teft
          48 months ago

          As someone who has to learn the grammatical gender of nouns I feel for you. I’m constantly fucking up in my second language.

          • interolivary
            48 months ago

            Grammatical gender just feels so, well… pointless. Like, why should I have to care about what someone’s gender is when I’m referring to them? If someone’s gender is actually relevant somehow I can just use words like “woman” etc. to specify (eg if I need to point someone out in a crowd or whatever), but it’s rarely relevant at all. Defaulting to “he” isn’t too great either even though I do it myself too sometimes because it’s so common and it was taught in school too etc., but it’s neat that “they” is more popular nowadays.

            I should actually probably just fucking ditch gendered pronouns altogether and use “they” most of the time – would feel more natural, and as bonus it would annoy conservatives