Anyone have suggestions for “safe”(ish) places to farm loot in HC mode? I just turned on WT3 and am a liiiittle squishy rn so want to uplevel my gear a bit before going headlong into tougher stuff.
Oh and if you wanna party up for HC farming lmk.
You could hit the vendor with your obles for defensive gear. I wouldn’t try nightmare dungeons until you are tanky. What level are you?
Level 54. But I am kinda a late bloomer. Spent a lot of time early on just roaming the world doing random dungeons and open world stuff. Only recently got serious and altar/renown farmed to get ready for WT3. My gear is kinda garbage but I have a decent ball lightning build. I have to do a bit more run and gun once I turned WT3 on.
Oh if you are Sorcerer be careful and make sure you get armor where you can, extra damage is nice but it’s hard to come by.
Get helltide and just follow other players around. Hit the lucky chests from the diablo helltide webpage. You’ll be fine and get much better loot.
Cellars are probably the safest but lowest return, maybe do some whisper quests to gear up at first.
After that, Uldur’s Cave (south of the Iron Wolves Encampment) normal dungeon has high mob density and fairly easy enemies to deal with, it’s a great place for xp and drops and relatively safe. I would stay there until you are tanky enough for NMD.