• @Pencilnoob@lemmy.world
    209 months ago

    So true. What an insane system where teachers have to pay for their own supplies.

    On a darker note, male teachers are constantly harassed by parents and other teachers if they teach any grade lower than eight grade. Dark stuff.

    Our education system is an absolute mess.

    • PP_GIRL_
      9 months ago

      Not saying it’s acceptable either, but most trades workers are expected to supply their own tools if they work for anything but the absolute largest companies. My friend just had to spend $2,000 out of pocket to start a manufacturing job for Boeing earlier this year.

  • @HeyJoe@lemmy.world
    159 months ago

    Lol teacher showers? The first year my wife was hired as a teacher they gave her a mentor where she basically was trained and could ask questions until she was used to everything. The “mentor” told her it was $70 per paycheck and that this is just the way it’s done here… pretty sure she was robbed.

  • @KrayZeeOne@lemm.ee
    9 months ago

    Can we not normalize subsidizing teachers salaries. They should be fighting for higher pay or for schools to provide these things for them. Edit: sorry didn’t read the title, apparently we’re in agreement.

  • @GBU_28@lemm.ee
    29 months ago

    Are you implying this individual new teacher change the system?

    Don’t conflate systemic change with the desire of an individual within that system to better their situation

    • @slander@lemm.ee
      59 months ago

      The individual is suggesting a widespread practice (“teacher shower”) that would only further ingrain the current system. OP is implying that we shouldn’t do that.

  • @CodingCarpenter@lemm.ee
    29 months ago

    In my neighborhood this is already done sadly. Though its not called a shower the teacher just sends out stuff they need for the classroom. And my wife and I are happy to contribute but it does suck feeling like we need to spend an extra $200 because the school won’t Pony up the money.

    That’s not even getting into the extra school supplies they put on the required list for students in case another student can’t afford supplies so that there’s enough for everybody.

    • BasicTraveler
      19 months ago

      Remember it’s not the school that won’t pony up, it’s your local and state government that aren’t giving them an appropriate budget.

      Also keep in mind that most grant money comes with stipulations. I remember many years ago (late 90’s or early 00’s) we got a big grant for computers in the classroom. Good chunk of money. But it had to be spent on computers, and only computers. Would have been nice to get some furniture to put them on. We had some in the back of the classrooms next to the sink, some we put 2 desks set front to front (it was not level) It was janky, but the computers were nice.