• @carcus@lemmy.ml
    689 months ago

    Voyager, mostly because it’s similar to Apollo, a very popular app for Reddit, in many ways. As I was an Apollo user, it is nice to have some of the features replicated.

  • @hoanbridgetroll@midwest.social
    319 months ago

    I settled on Memmy early on as the least buggy app, but I like Voyager quite a bit as well. I might switch if they let me change the color of upvote/downvote arrows to what my brain expects.

    • @ebits21@lemmy.ca
      149 months ago

      Memmy is pretty buggy. I was regularly bug finding to help out but unfortunately development seems to have dropped off a cliff now.

      I’m not even sure the devs are using Lemmy at all anymore.

      I mostly use Avelon and Voyager. Lemma has a great video player.

      • @billbasher@lemmy.world
        69 months ago

        Yeah I see pictures that extend over the next post sometimes which is annoying. They’re always blurred nsfw pics in an album. The refresh doesn’t work when photos won’t initially load. Plus you can’t side scroll through albums so you can only look at the first 2.

        So yeah, I think it’s time for something else for me. I appreciate this post

    • radix
      29 months ago

      There are five color theme options which is more than some other apps provide. Can’t customize it down to the hex value, but it’s good enough for me.

  • @nicolairathjen@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Avelon. A native iOS app with a decently active developer. Has all features i would expect from a Lemmy app at this point.

    I also tried Voyager, but it seemed a bit off to me.

  • @CreatureSurvive@lemmy.world
    199 months ago

    Here is a shameless plug for my own Lemmy app Arctic. It’s a fully native pure Swift based app built with performance and content presentation in mind. It’s packed full of features, and more are being added all the time.

    More information is available over at !arctic@lemmy.world


    • Nix
      49 months ago

      I like arctic a lot but I feel like its difficult to tell things apart. the posts in the feed don’t have enough breathing space. So its hard to open a thread by clicking under the article. The title and text are the same color when you’ve read the thread. The comments don’t have different color bars to easily notice whats replying to what like Apollo had. The community and user and the text under it are all the same grey.

      Other than that I just newd a skip to next comment button that can be placed in the center and I’ll switch from Avelon.

      Will arctic be open source?

      • @CreatureSurvive@lemmy.world
        49 months ago

        This is great feedback. Honestly I’ve been primarily focused on integrating features so far. In the next couple of releases I plan to go through and focus on refining the UI making it more readable, reactive, and customizable.

        I hadn’t really considered adding a jump button, but I can absolutely look into that as an option. I might even see if I can fit that in the next release, as it should be quite simple to implement.

        As for open sourcing, I have not decided just yet. I would prefer open source, but I need to put some more thought into it before I make a decision.

        • Nix
          19 months ago

          The jump button is one of the biggest things that make me decide on what app to choose 😅 ideally the button can be fully centered (unlike the screenshot coming) and when held down it takes you up to the previous comment.

          This draft ui Avelon has is also extremely convenient

    • @cheese_greater@lemmy.world
      29 months ago

      Since you’re a dev, I have a question: does participating in FlightTests deanonymize and make infividual users identifiable to the devs (something, something, UUID…).

      Been very interested and slightly concerned I haven’t really been thinking ahead :/

      • @CreatureSurvive@lemmy.world
        49 months ago

        Great question! No information is provided by TestFlight to the developer by joining a test group. When submitting feedback such as crash reports, or screenshots, then only anonymous device information is provided such as iOS version, device type, connection type, time zone, battery level, free disk space, and screen size. Optionally users can also provide their email address when submitting feedback so the developer can contact them, but this is not required.

        There are also private TestFlight groups where you need to share your email with the developer so they can specifically add you to the test group, but that is the only difference between private and public groups.

        So you can rest easy, you’ve not been sharing any information just by joining a public TestFlight.

        • @cheese_greater@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          Thats more the issue, the AppleID which by definition (usually) deanonymizes you and bluntly articulates the trail and profile generated by your email

          Thank you for the recognition and reassurance (sorta)

      • @CreatureSurvive@lemmy.world
        29 months ago

        Thank you! I don’t have a firm release date just yet, though I am pushing for a release date sometime at the end of October. This is largely dependent on how much I can get done in that timeframe, so this could change.

    • @Planet9@lemmy.world
      19 months ago

      Looks really good at first glance! I might have to make this my main driver for a bit! Any chance you’ll support more themes in the future?

      For reference I’ve been using Memmy and Voyager and this has a feel somewhere between them. The native support is definitely a plus!

      • @CreatureSurvive@lemmy.world
        29 months ago

        That’s great, glad your liking it so far! I definitely plan on adding a lot more customization options going forward. Right now there is not much in terms of customization, I’ve primarily been focusing on making sure all the core features of Lemmy are supported before transitioning to appearance settings.

        Arctic is at a point now where virtually everything except for Admin tools are supported, so I am planning to start adding more customization options, and detail adjustments in the next couple of releases. I try to push at least one update a week with new features and fixes.

        I’m always open to suggestions so if you have any feedback, don’t hesitate to ask.

  • LibsEatPoop [any]
    9 months ago

    I use the firefox web browser app because I refuse to download more apps. I have the ones I have. I’m not getting more.

  • N-E-N
    89 months ago

    Voyager, I like that I can have an app to browse Lemmy that’s the same on Android & iOS

  • @ScoobyDoo27@lemm.ee
    79 months ago

    I’ve tried about 5-6 different ones and they all try to replicate Apollo. Memmy is probably the best of them in my opinion but none of them are as good as narwhal was for Reddit. I don’t understand the fascination for Apollo. Why we need 6 different Lemmy apps that are all very similar doesn’t make sense to me.

    • @demesisx
      69 months ago

      If you think Memmy is the best, try Avelon. It wipes the floor with Memmy (which hasn’t been actively developed for more than two months now).

      • @ScoobyDoo27@lemm.ee
        19 months ago

        I’ll have to give it another go. When I tried it before I didn’t think it was any better than Memmy

        • @demesisx
          59 months ago

          Recent update puts it WAY ahead, IMO.

  • edric
    79 months ago

    Thunder. Unique design that stands out among a sea of Apollo clones. Special mention to Arctic because it can embed and scrub videos/gifs without opening the in-app browser.

  • @Nihilore@lemmy.world
    39 months ago

    Avelon for a very simple reason, it’s compact mode is slightly more compact than the others I’ve tried

    • @demesisx
      69 months ago

      Give Avelon a try too. It’s native swift unlike Voyager.

  • @itsgallus@beehaw.org
    29 months ago

    I used wefwef / Voyager in the beginning, but I found that it crashed/reset too often for my liking. I’m now using Mlem which I’m pretty satisfied with.