I have a keyboard with gateron blue clear top (black base, clear top) switches. It has a few switches that no longer work consistently so I’m looking for some replacements. The keyboard is backlit so I’d like to keep the clear top. Unfortunately I can’t seem to find a source for this type of switch I feel comfortable with that ships to the US. There’s ebay but it’s so hard to tell what you’re going to get. Does anyone know of a good site that ships to the US that stocks gateron clear top switches?
1upkeyboards is the only place I’ve seen them even listed, but they are out of stock. https://1upkeyboards.com/shop/switches/set-packs/switches-16-pack/
I have compared cherry blues, which also come in clear top, to the gaterons but I like the gateron feel better even though they seem not to last as long apparently.
Have you looked at Glorious? They seem to have exactly what you’re looking for, and are US-based.
Oh that’s perfect, not sure why I didn’t find that when I was searching. Thanks!
Awesome, you’re welcome! I don’t know, maybe they don’t have very good search engine optimization on their site. I didn’t find it through a search. I just happened to know that they carried Gateron switches, having bought a keyboard from them before.
So, none of these sellers have blue clear top switches for sale. The closest is microcenter but only because the stock photo shows clear tops with white bottoms, the listing doesn’t actually say what they are and the mfg part number is just “GAT-BLUE”. Novelkeys has milkytop blues but they are out of stock. Thanks though, I hadn’t checked a couple of those sites.
Np I generally just order from Ali Express but I can understand wanting to source locally.
Yeah honestly the aliexpress listings are more detailed than a lot of the sites that have been suggested or that I’ve been able to find on my own. Maybe I should just suck it up and get them there.
I’m pretty sure I’ve found these on Amazon before. It might be either a newer or older batch though? I’ve also seen clear top with beige housing, once inside a build they should behave identically. I understand if you’d rather not buy from Amazon though.