Color me surprised that the Democrats have as much blame for our current situation as the Republicans. Nobody, NOBODY, wanted to return to normal; they wanted real change and the best they got was state-sponsored financing for tech companies and unequal economic policies
Or else what? Withdraw the nomination? (You can’t withdraw a nomination lol)
Harris chose this
Cut off funding, maybe. They would have guaranteed a loss with that maneuver thoug.
Even this seems far fetched. Why would they risk something like that in an election that had so much hanging on it.
I’m convinced that the DNC isn’t worried about winning any more races than they have to do that they survive as a political entity. Just going off the push the minority leaders have been making and the stream of emails and phone calls I get, as someone registered independent.
I see and hear nothing about actual policy change or progressivism from the names in the critical positions, and a lot about donations to “help us win next time, guys, for real this time!”
My senators (both women, both dems), haven’t actually responded to any of my calls, emails, or letters asking for their stances or plans for change. I have got several form responses that end with a call for donations, though. 🤷
Yes. As much as the Dems insist “This is a critical juncture, and we need to unite”, they mean “You need to unite behind whatever we say you need to do”.
See post-election: The only thing the Dems want to do is wear matching outfits, rather than vote “No”.
You know how in chess notation, questionable moves are marked with a question mark. That would have been a double question mark move. But dems have been making one questionable move after another.
They were already hanging the future of the country on an old man who struggled to stay awake through press conferences.
It worked for Trump.
Let’s blame Joe so Kamala can run again.
Not fooling me, DNC. I smell what you’re cooking.
I want to tell myself that there’s no way in hell they would let this happen, let alone make it happen.
Then I remember it’s the DNC.
It’s not like they colluded to kneecap Bernie’s campaign. Wait…
Kamala or Buttigeig, you can bet on it.
Seriously, go to Vegas. At least you’ll make money on the end of the world.
I’d bet they’ll try to run Blinken or Shapiro. Harris cant bring in campaign donations, and donations are all the DNC cares about.
I’m betting Mark Cuban. They (I believe, based on the sudden interest in him as a “Progressive billionaire” on various social media platforms, and in person talks) that the solution to a Reich Wing Oligarch is a different Reich Wing Oligarch, but Blue this time.
I feel like they have really poor name recognition. And while Shapiro looks great and presidential, Blinkin has a real “off” kind of look to him.
They’re also both in a murder and land left theft cult, and you can be sure that they will use any influence they get to further entangle the US in that, at astronomical cost to the US.
I don’t think this is even close to possible. She has removed herself from public view for a reason. On a personal level, she’s done. If she had any intentions to run for any kind of office, she would have emerged by now as an opposition leader.
She’s free to run again, but this time she has to win the primary. And that’s unlikely. It’s rare in modern times for someone to lose a Presidential election and get another shot at it, Nixon and Trump are the only two in over a hundred years.
You seem to forget what they did to sanders. If they want a specific candidate they will make sure they win.
Also Adlai Stevenson in the 50s although he lost both times.
Same reaction here, and the DNC is just dumb enough to do it.
Well, there probably won’t be any more elections, so there’s that.
Yeah, I bet we won’t even have mid terms in 2 years
Nah, I think we should run Biden one more time. Surely, it’ll be different this time! /s
I am pretty sick of the Democrats bullshit, but I’m even more sick of the Republicans bullshit.
I hate it here.
Wow, so if true this implies that in the Democratic party even the women running for president has to do what the big man says. Hope this is false.
It’s definitely not false, it’s the playbook all of the political giants have been running for very many years now.
Oh? Pulling a “Republican”? My wife made me do it? Wasn’t my fault? Attempting to distance herself so she can make a run for office again.
deleted by creator
As a liberal male from CA; she’s just not likeable. She gives off the energy of that high strung person everyone’s trying to avoid talking to at the cookout.
Then again Donald Trump gives off that creepy conspiracy theorist pedo vibe that you’d also avoid and the right loves him.
I’m less concerned with likability than I am with the reports of her being a bully to staff.
Libs be libbing
My god! You mean they attached a bomb collar around her neck and said if she didn’t comply they would detonate it?
Wait, they didn’t do anything of the sort? Well, sounds like they didn’t force her to do anything and the only thing stopping her from speaking out was her own spineless cowardice.
To be honest, this is just a signal that she probably wouldn’t have been a good leader. Better than Trump, sure, but that bar is so low it’s a tripping hazard.
She should have told Biden to pound sand after locking up the nomination.
But we should verify the claim before passing judgement.
Honestly, her campaign already signaled that. This, if true, just reinforces it. It also reinforces that Biden was a bad leader, which he was.
Obligatory: I voted for Harris and Biden and dems down ticket every election since I’ve been old enough to vote.
Obligatory: I voted for Harris and Biden and dems down ticket every election since I’ve been old enough to vote.
Man I am getting sick of needing to say this ahead of time/to anyone who goes “well if you criticized our candidates of their serious and actual issues, you must be a Republican!”
It’s refreshingly less common here than reddit. I am so happy to find comrades in “i voted for dems but it was under duress” here.
That’s basically how it was for me. Harris was going to win my state no matter what, I did it just to ensure numbers.
Definitely. And as soon as you say something leftist you’re accused of not voting or “throwing away your vote” so you can’t complain. Like, I get it. “Have the day you voted for” etc, but libs are pointing fingers at the wrong people. I’ve said it like a million times before, but sooo many of my leftist friends reluctantly voted Kamala when they were vehemently opposed to her stance on Palestine and now feel like they sold out for nothing. Like, at least if they hadn’t voted they could say they stood for something. Now they don’t even have a high horse to ride into the apocalypse on. The way libs will break your spirit is wild. They have more energy to fight leftists than republicans.
I’m still content that I left my vote for president blank. No to all genociders regardless of party-- no exceptions. Maybe the DNC will learn not to ever try that nonsense in an election again if they know they can’t possibly win doing it. Or maybe this country will tear itself apart, but if the price of keeping it together is engaging in the mass murder of innocents, then this system of government will have to end and restart in some different form.
but if the price of keeping it together is engaging in the mass murder of innocents
That’s what it’s been running on the entire time if we stop now it’ll surely collapse!
Blaming Biden makes sense. Blame the problems on the actual person in charge. Harris wasn’t in charge, she should’ve let Biden take all of the failures of the term, regardless of her position at the time
No democrat president has been “in charge” in 50+ years.
The owners of the DNC have been in charge.
As far as I’m aware, Biden controlled most of the campaign money at least initially. either way it’s still a pretty weak excuse for Harris.
Biden really fucked us in so many ways though, I’m happy to blame him for losing the election as well. I mean he was the one who thought gaslighting us about the economy was a winning move, he put Harris in a terrible position to begin with. Not to mention deciding to run again in the first place, appointing a Trump collaborator as AF, refusing to exercise his power, etc etc
If I was kamala I would have slammed joe. For the good of the country, of course.
I think the best move would have been a substantial but firm and respectful break was the way to go forward.
If Kamala pushes back too hard against Joe, the establishment will question whether she grateful for his support and the opportunity he provided.
Honestly this behavior is going to keep getting highlighted from Biden because he was an absolute stubborn idiot. He had polling showing him losing to Trump with over 400 electoral votes for MONTHS before dropping out. He blamed his family for staying in as long as he did, obviously it was him or what was left of him.
History will not look kindly on Biden for fucking over his one job of stopping Trump. Didn’t arrest him, didn’t defeat him, didn’t stop most of the Jan 6 protestors, didn’t go after the enablers of his actions, didn’t really stop anything Trump did to avoid debt and jail and we ended up with him for Round 2, Even Worse This Time.
100% agreement. He should have arrested Agent Krasnov and his henchmen on the first day of his presidency, and detained them in isolation without bail or access to the media, until their trials were resolved. If he had done that, Krasnov and his Gang would be in prison right now, instead of the White House.
Instead Biden appointed a weakass Republican as his AG who gave him a 2 year head start to run out the clock.
The Dems had the perfect chance to defend our country from the MAGA scourge, but they totally abdicated their responsibility. It will be 100 times harder to take it back now, and I don’t see it happening without violence.
i felt while he did introduce some good policies, hes much more conservative than obama. dint replace dejoy, and added his supporters in the BOG? allowed to have trump have all the air-time for 4 years straight? im guessing they needed biden to draw the conservative leaning voters that wernt entirely maga? not to mention garland who is a gop SHILL TOO.
his decision to not fire humpty dumpty dejoy was one of the first red flags I noticed months into his presidency.
he was supposed to replace it with DEM BOGs, but why gop ones, maybe the megadonors were threatening the DNC, like they probably did with SCHUMER recently. and also dint return the corp taxes to obama-era level.
he was too focused on pushing bipartisanship with piranhas
Look at democrats now. Still doing absolutely nothing. Even if they won they still wouldn’t have stopped Trump or Musk. They’d probably just stand aside if there was another Jan 6.
He blamed his family for staying in as long as he did
Real ted cruz moment, that.
more like the megadonors were starting to steer away from biden and harris.
Like they were ever going to.
If she was going to do something different to what the party wants, she’d never have been their nominee to start with.
It’s ridiculous to think that Harris couldn’t have done what she wanted. Once you’re named the nominee, that’s it. They’re not going to back out.
If she was unwilling to break from him because of his wishes, even if she was theoretically able, that speaks volumes about her as a leader.
If she runs again, we lose again.
IF there is another election, HitlerPig will get 98% of the vote, and he’ll use his “popularity” with the American voters to justify defying the Constitutional prohibition against a 3rd term.
Elections are run at the state level, so they won’t be that interfered with.
Not that it will matter; rigging the states with Republican state governments is more than enough
There are plenty of treasonous Republicans at the state level, managing elections. They were very active over the last four years getting MAGATraitors into influential election positions. Rolling Stone had a landmark article last year identifying hundreds of MAGATraitors in important election positions around the country.
Besides, between Muskrat, Russia, and China, and probably more, they have the best hackers on the planet to manipulate the process.
Oh I’m with you on the big IF. Hell, I’ll be surprised if we even have legitimate mid-terms.
He will do anything to preserve his slim Congressional majorities. They give him credibility, even though he is legislating through Executive Orders anyway.
I expect that he will find an excuse to impose Martial Law and suspend elections until peace is restored.
OTOH, if he allows elections to happen, it’s because he is confident that their cheating strategies will win, and we’ll even see strong blue districts flip.
They will use polls reflecting current voter anger at weakling Democrats to justify the obviously fraudulent results.
Yep. It says she lacks critical leadership qualities.
I mean, that was the line from centrists anytime someone wanted any hope from harris that she might be less of a lapdog for netanyahu than biden was.
The problem was her campaign was largely run by Biden’s people. He clearly was interfering with her campaign and she kept trying to make the most of it.
Did she ever say that publicly? No. So she did not make the most of it.
She is her own person and has to live with the consequences of her choices like everybody else. It’s all in the past now and just a footnote in history.
She’s planning a run for Gov of California. So her recent history is still very relevant.
Sounds like an excuse. She could’ve had a different stance but didn’t. Because she’s the same thing. She was asked point blank how she’s any different than Biden and she couldn’t answer.
she’s setting up for 2028. assuming we have elections
After an L like this, I don’t think Harris makes it to the 2nd primary debate
Harris always sucked. She’s a former cop that hurt minorities.
The democrats have not held a fair (or one at all) primary in years, and this is assuming the us will even have elections again as the republicans would like to do the democrat method of primary but for elections.
Harris couldn’t answer basic policy questions when she was running for president in 2020 either.
Dude, that’s just not true. Did you even try to look into her policy positions?
sure did. Ever heard her speak?
Nonsense. In 2020, she was one of the few that was supporting universal health care, for one thing. Unfortunately, she somehow decided, or was pressured, to stick with Biden’s platform in 2024 instead of her own, more progressive, platform.
She raised her hand to that question in the debates and then mere days later walked it back and said she’d misunderstood the question.
She was elected, not appointed. She could say and do what she wanted and theres not much Biden could have done about it.