The “bro prestige shows”. The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The Wire. They’re just fundamentally uninteresting to me as concepts. I’m not really a fan of crime shows.
Sopranos. Sex in the City. Any police or hospital procedural, other than House.
Anything Star Wars except Clone Wars and Rebels.
Huh, I’m the opposite. I quite enjoyed Andor and The Mandalorian, but I’m finding Clone Wars a bit of a slog.
I don’t think Mandalorian is terrible, but it comes off as gimmicky and a tad too basic. I forgot about Andor though, I should watch more of that.
I found shitz creek to be like ok but not as good as it was made out to be to me.
Always Sunny in Philadelphia…
The characters were just -too- unlikable for me.
Yep, same with The Office
I loved The Office, but I see what you mean!
It dragged on and on, every episode was some cliffhanger which wasn’t resolved in the next episode, just dragged out again. I dunno, I only watched the first maybe six(?) episodes before I gave up. I remember the reveal of the polar bear, and then the next week, they didn’t resolve it. So, fed up, I stopped watching.
Game of Thrones.
I understand that people love it but for me it was just a slog that went nowhere. I really think I just don’t enjoy fantasy as a genre since I also do not like LOTR at all.
The new Dark Matter show.
Because I’m still pissed SciFi fuked Mallozzi over and canceled Dark Matter at season 4.
And I liked Fringe in its’ first half hour and never got bored of it, unlike new Dark Matter.
Dark Matter had so much potential…