Happy 18th birthday Baku. If ya lurking you should come back. I hope your social work course is going well. With the above average struggles you’ve faced I’m sure you’ll make a great people’s advocate.
I remembered because it’s the Ides of March, one of those unique dates with a bit of history about it.
@BakuToo@aussie.zone ? Looks like they deleted their follow up account too.
Me too. Happy Birthday Baku! It’s a big milestone but you got this.
Happy birthday to Baku wherever he is. I miss his comments and insights. Truly an outstanding young man. 🛤️
i miss him too. Was just thinking yesterday how he was such a good presence here on the DT.
I hope he is doing well. I want nothing but success and happiness for him.
Cheers dumble, and everyone else who’s dropped well wishes in. And low for passing the link along. Truly appreciated
I had my wisdom teeth removed 3 days ago, and as part of the healing process I can’t drink, or have a slice of cake. And the pain meds have left me too tired to go anywhere or catch up with anyone
E: I did get a kitten since I was here last, so I’m just spending the day with him
Seconded. Happy birthday buddy
Happy Birthday. 🎂
Passed this on via the other place so hopefully he sees it!
Thankyou for remembering dumble, and happy birthday silent one if you are there.
Edit: 🚂🚉
Happy birthday Baku dude
Happy doggo
ooh nice.
Second one would make an awesome but cruel jigsaw puzzle.
Family-puzzlers birthday coming up. Great idea, thanks
You always have a good eye
Wow, the stillness of the water is unbelievable - and with so few people around. Great shots.
Beautiful pics, I especially love the first one, it’s poster worthy!
Gorgeous photos mate :)
The uber driver asking me where to go when he has 2 maps open doesn’t exactly build a sense of trust.
In other news, found a Zoia fairly cheap on marketplace and am picking it up Monday!!!
Eventide is still on layby and I have 3 months to pay it off, so I’ll just throw a few bucks at it every pay and grab it down the track.
ooh nice!
Cool. 🙂
Absolutely glorious morning for it.
Now a glorious afternoon for wine and cheese in the courtyard!
ohh glassy!
Motivation was 0 today but I vacuumed and mopped everywhere, dusted, cleaned surfaces & sofa, cleaned bathroom, changed the sheets and washed the old sheets. My house really needed the reset.
No way I’m cooking after all that so out for a souvo & beer.
All day I’ve been under the blankets shivering.
I threw up so hard before that my thumbs locked up and I couldn’t move my hands for 15 minutes.
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
Sounds like an awful bug you’ve got.
Hope you feel better soon.
That doesn’t sound good. Try and get some electrolytes and fluids in if you can. Sip it slowly.
If your hands locking up are related to electrolyte imbalances causing muscle spasm (especially low calcium) and you can’t keep anything down you might need to go to emergency for iv fluids
Had the funniest interaction before.
Saw someone I thought I knew.
He waved back.
Came to chat and I realised I didn’t know him, but he thought he knew me.
Ended up having this sort of funny “how you been bro!” conversation.
Then said our goodbyes and walked off.
I wonder if he realised he didn’t know me either hahaha
OMG I’ve had that with someone before! I was out walking and walking towards me was a guy who looked like the brother of the guy I’d just recently (at the time) broken up with. Having no beef with the bro I thought I’d be civil and say hello. We were both wearing sunglasses and he enthusiastically said hello as well, then we both took off our sunglasses and discovered that neither of us were who the other thought we were lol. We both just couldn’t believe it, it was so weird and random.
I didn’t know what to do so I just kept it going to see what would happen lol
He was a real nice guy haha
In 9 days I have packed 35 boxes. That is not too bad.
With love, I’ve worked with professionals packers, they’d pack a 3br house in a few hours.
I’ve had packers and they are def fast and if I recall my super expensive unopened golden tequila disappeared!!
also sore back and skiving
off to take potplants to new house then off to beach 🙂
Huh, Bowens is going up a couple of blocks away. That’s handy.
I’ll take anything but Bunnings!
Well there’s a few issues with Bunnings. What’s yours in particular?
They’ve pretty successfully run everyone else out of business. Among the rest; Wesfarmers etc.
woke up with head ache
spose i better have some aspirin
Just reminded me to take something as well.
got a slight one too
Here’s your Saturday night reminder that music is meant to be listened to LOUD.
Been trying to fix my partner’s PC. His motherboard keeps giving a 9C error code or gets stuck on that code - which apparently means a usb issue? It happens even when all USBs have been unplugged.
So I swapped the mobo for another one, took me a bit unscrewing the fan and GPU in the way, and unplugging all the bits from the mobo, rearranging the screws on the case so the new (smaller) one fits, got it all back together and turned it on, but it keeps powering off and on.
I forgot to put the CPU in it… 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️ I forgot the bloody brains!
Now I have to remove the mobo fan and put the CPU in. I’m having a coffee before I do that lol
I’m having a coffee before I do that
lol after all that I find wine helps seat the cpu, gives a steady hand for the thermal goo and hitting your hand against your forehead hurts less. :)
I was stupid haha it had a CPU! I just forgot to install the sdd to the mobo!
Fucking good on you! You saved more than a few $ being able to do it yourself, that’s for sure. Your partner is lucky to have a clever woman by his side!
Thank you!!! He is extremely grateful, and I’ve been basking in my own cleverness hahaha
And as reward back to your pre alpha game!
Gotta clean EVERYTHING this weekend for Tuesday rental inspection… I’ll potentially procrastinate and end up taking Monday off work to do it. Already started though so that’s positive. Benefits of having a small place are that it’s relatively quick to clean. I will alternate between a little gaming followed by a little cleaning. Repeat until it’s time for beer. Then it will be beer and gaming followed by a little cleaning.
Having just gone through this recently… you can do it! And if not, there pressure from having procrastinated will force you to do it in record time. Get the bathroom/shower done first is my advice since they tend to be the grottiest (I hate cleaning bathrooms)
I have just doused the shower and toilet with bleach 💪
What would happen if you cleaned nothing?
REA really can’t do anything, they are supposed to be looking at the actual house or apartment, not your belongings
No idea. I have always made sure everything is clean and tidy before rental inspections
I’m pretty clean, I never bothered cleaning for an inspection. Rea’s do seem to have become bigger shits of people in the last ten years though.
remember to clean behind your ears
I did that exact routine minus the beer.
Procrastination helps the motivation!
Missed out on some DnB / jungle music tix but the place is basically corner of flinders st. / elizabeth st. which I’m happy to avoid no loss there.
There’s a free techno / breaks day park party (until 10pm) which is tempting. Just near La trobe uni. Looks like there’ll be a fair few peeps going. Seems like a more sensible option. Probably a more fun crowd too.
Also just got off the phone to the ol’ girl and she is really pushing hard to jump back behind the wheel again. She’s been told that it’s too risky by every doc she’s seen, and her friends have said the same thing to her. She doesn’t seem to grasp how much of a risk it is. Breaks my heart to keep telling her no.
Dude I was just thinking about you and your mum recently as my mum’s cataract surgery lens thingo is coming loose and she’s booked in for a surgery in 2 months time, but we’re all pleading with her to go private (she has insurance that us kids pay for), and get it done faster because she lives alone and she’s had a couple of small falls… not only would the lens come out and she’d need urgent surgery (assuming she stays conscious) I’m so worried about the risk of more permanent vision impairment.
Oh no your poor mum. So many unexpected things happened with mine over the last few months, defs keep trying to persaude her to do it asap. Crazy how a fall can change things so quickly and how complex things can get.
Would it get through to her if you told her about the risks involved for others? It sounds brutal but what if she killed a child? Or hit a car with a young family inside? You and everyone else involved are absolutely correct in your stances. They say, “oh I’d be really careful.” What about reaction time? I’m edging towards having this conversation with my MIL and preparing myself. They fear a loss of their independence, but there are other ways to have independence. Plus the half price taxi is really cool!
reaction time
Yep it’s too poor to drive.
I hope your conversation with the MIL goes a bit more smoothly. It’s a tough one.