What are some of Russia’s historical analogues or antecedants who were eased into mitigation?
Its all about the easing process of defanging them. Like gently but firmly removing the reins of power and helping the pesky ones go quietly into this sad night
That’s an interesting choice of words. Feels pretty genocidy in my humble opinion
Mitigation, not necessarily destruction.
Side note: what is the civilized way to deal with genociders and might is right folks? Are they equalky valid and how do we balance their right to their opinions and raising the next generation of hate with avoiding further harm?
To my knowledge Russia isn’t attempting to commit genocide. They want to have Ukraine under their thumb, not eradicated.
That is in no way a defence of Russia’s actions. I just don’t think we need to levy, what I believe to be a falsehood (I’m willing to accept I may be wrong here if anyone has evidence) at Russia to denounce them.
My comment about genocide was a jab at your Hitler-esque choice of words and comparing your view of Russian people to Hitler’s view of Jewish people.
Eradication of Ukraine’s language & identity, kidnapping children to raise them as Russian etc are all recognised types of genocide that they are actively doing on a daily basis. They don’t so much want all Ukrainians to die as they want the very idea of Ukraine being anything other than yet another Russian oblast to cease to exist.
Now that you mention it, I do remember hearing about the kidnapping and conversion way back at the start of the invasion.
Thanks for the education, I don’t think the things you brought up are reported widely enough
Napoleon? Hitler?
World War III
Look at history before WWII. More wars, imperialism, competition in general. The end of WWII brought a new superpower—the USA—NATO, the United Nations and a shift to more diplomacy and trade.
Yes, yes there was still imperialistic shit going on, even to this day. But, it hasn’t been nearly as bad as pre-WWII.
Russia, and the USA, are shifting back to the old footing of using hard power to for economic gain and influence. China might be heading that way, too.
Hopefully, it gets rolled back. I think there is some hope for the USA for peaceful regime change. Russia, however, still isn’t feeling the pain of regressive policies enough to make a change. I think, absent all out global war, things will have to get pretty bad there before their attitudes change.
Russia under the tsars?
But how were the Tsars eased from influence and control, what did that process look like?
They and everyone related to them that could be found were hunted down and killed, followed by a civil war and 69 years of iron fisted rule by a new elite, posing as communists, after which those elites who saw the imminent collapse pivoted to being oligarchs.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
deleted by creator
Please ignore deleted aha was not a formed thought yet
If Russia is going to do Russian things, then Russian things will happen.
Historically Russia empire builds until they collapse due to poor policies, their territories separate, Russia economically rebounds, Russia then empire builds.
The best we can hope for is hold a line that they won’t cross and we can have diplomacy and cultural exchange that leads to a more progressive government that doesn’t feel “othered” by the world, as has been the case, and then Russia can be welcomed into the international community as a friend.
No peoples that are alienated and maligned will be peaceful, Russia and Best Korea are examples of this. We can be their friends and let our friendship be get peace.