If you’ve watched any Star Trek this week, feel free to drop the episodes/movies and any thoughts you might have on them in the comments!
I finished Enterprise again. I still do not understand why the finale is apparently universally hated.
I think most of it is probably from having the TNG characters somewhat shoehorned into another show’s finale. I personally think the episode would have been a lot better without them, but I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as it’s made out to be.
To me it sort of devalued the show retroactively, like they just said sike it was all just a simulation. Also we kill trip because fuck you.
Did I miss something? Are you saying that all the events of all four seasons were actually just some holonovel?
Essentially, yeah. A program riker has been running for insights to help him with a decision in TNG. Even the producers supposedly hate the episode and consider the second to last to be the true finale.
I interpreted it as just the finale episode being the holodeck, not the entire series. Memory Alpha agrees:
In hopes of receiving some help before making a difficult personal decision, Commander William T. Riker of the Enterprise-D observes a holodeck simulation of the final mission of the original starship Enterprise, as commanded by Jonathan Archer, in the days immediately preceding the birth of the United Federation of Planets over two centuries earlier.
I don’t see how an altered point-of-view is an issue. In my opinion, having that frame story doesn’t detract from the importance of the narrative or anything.
Fair enough, i guess I remembered incorrectly, I skip that episode during rewatchings. I still dislike the shoehorned plot about shrans sudden daughter, and trip getting killed for literally no reason. They could have just not done that and let him live for the last few minutes as well so the episode doesn’t also end on that extra sour note, in addition to being a last minute response to the show unexpectedly not getting renewed I mean.
(Does it show that I’m still pretty salty they canceled it right when it was about to get good? lol)
I tend to play random TNG episodes when I’m doing chores around the house. If TNG is what’s playing on the P+ Star Trek Channel I’ll usually just put that on. Did some early Spring cleaning this week and had a very random selection of TNG episodes playing. Can’t believe Paramount put Code Of Honor in the mix there, but maybe it truly is random.
Been on a Trek rewatch kick again, to combat the depressing reality we live in. Rewatched the begining on DS9 season 6. Ep1 A Time to Stand through Ep13 Far Beyond the Stars. I’d argue that this might be the strongest string of Trek episodes in any series!
Rewatched my favorite Voyager episode too, Counterpoint. I tend to hate on Voyager a bit, but there are some really fantastic episodes mixed in with all the mid ones. Counterpoint would easily make it to my top 10 Trek episodes of all time list!
I do the same. TNG is my comfort background noise. Unless it’s season 1, then I tend to look for something else to watch.
DS9 did have some very good strings of episodes! I may be biased a bit due to it being my favorite, but I think it’s the most consistently good Trek series so far.
I’ve been going back and forth on what to rewatch next, I’ve been thinking of doing Voyager or Enterprise. Or maybe just finish TNG again, I stopped around season 5 I think.
I definitely agree that DS9 is the most consistantly good Star Trek. TNG and VOY reach the same highs, but there’s a lot more lows in between them.
I would definitely recommend finishing TNG! Seasons 5 and 6 are peak!
Yeah, I might have to! I can’t even remember why I stopped, I probably found a new show to watch or just got out of the habit.
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That would be a fun way of doing it! I’ve seen some different lists like that.
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It sounds like you’ve already made one, but here is one! It’s got everything up to 2011.
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Ah, I wasn’t thinking about the new shows. I know the shows themselves interlap, but didn’t they spread things out so no two shows were releasing episodes at the same time? That would have to make it a little less complicated!
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Okay, I’ll have to take a look at that your list then! SNW and LD are the only two I’ve watched much of from the newer batch of shows, so I can’t say I’ve paid a lot of attention to the release schedule of the others. I had thought I remembered hearing them say they would stagger the season release schedule so you wouldn’t have Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds the same week, but they must have changed that!
The last half of DS9 Season 7 again.
Feels…like now…lolz.
And Quark crying about them not teaching the rules of acquisition in schools anymore. 🥹
Imagine if only US GOVT systems had the same Civil Defense system that Terok Nor had, the doge spawn would never have stood a chance. 🥱