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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2024


  • I attended a top 100 public high school in America, where we were taught Greek and Roman mythology. The problem wasn’t that the subject wasn’t offered, it was that a sizable portion of students weren’t paying attention. Even among those who did, few retained the knowledge beyond the next exam. The real issue with American education isn’t just what’s being taught but how it’s being taught. Subjects aren’t presented in a way that truly engages students or encourages long-term retention.

  • This definitely applies to a good number of gay couples in Texas too. Hetero Women do have it worse in this regard though. Progressive Southern woman’s options are pretty much:

    A) Be celibate

    B) Move somewhere else

    C) Settle for the Most Racist Man Alive

    Single Hetero Progressive men are unicorns in the American South, and them being Progressive is no guarantee they will treat a woman any better. They often come with their own batch of issues and a lot of them are fuckboys.

  • I tend to play random TNG episodes when I’m doing chores around the house. If TNG is what’s playing on the P+ Star Trek Channel I’ll usually just put that on. Did some early Spring cleaning this week and had a very random selection of TNG episodes playing. Can’t believe Paramount put Code Of Honor in the mix there, but maybe it truly is random.

    Been on a Trek rewatch kick again, to combat the depressing reality we live in. Rewatched the begining on DS9 season 6. Ep1 A Time to Stand through Ep13 Far Beyond the Stars. I’d argue that this might be the strongest string of Trek episodes in any series!

    Rewatched my favorite Voyager episode too, Counterpoint. I tend to hate on Voyager a bit, but there are some really fantastic episodes mixed in with all the mid ones. Counterpoint would easily make it to my top 10 Trek episodes of all time list!

  • DS9 is peak Star Trek. Its far from perfect, but so is TNG. It’s the last Trek series to truly have vision. Subsequent writers unfortunately took the wrong lessons from the show, but we can hardly blame DS9 for that.

    The TNG films and Voyager are what began Star Treks downward spiral. Poor creative decisions and studio meddling doomed the TNG Films. Meanwhile, sloppy writing and a flawed premise that was poorly executed combined to make Voyager the most mediocre 90s Trek show.

    ENT was just the final nail in the coffin. A complete regression of the series that nobody asked for. A desperate attempt at revival by a creative team that was out of ideas.