Connolly secured his position on the pivotal Oversight Committee after leaders in the House Democratic caucus—most notably former Speaker Nancy Pelosi—backed Connolly’s bid over Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.

While other Democratic leaders have been fumbling for a response to Trump, the administration has been in a public feud with Ocasio-Cortez. Tom Homan, Trump’s handpicked immigration czar, has even called on the Department of Justice to investigate the congresswoman after she advised migrant communities of their constitutional rights.

In contrast to Connolly’s pro-compliance message, Ocasio-Cortez recently wrote, “America is not for sale. We have an obligation to resist kings. We outnumber them. And they can be overwhelmed.”

    17 days ago

    The very same phenomenon you seen with those whose identity is to be MAGAs of being unable to believe the truth about their “leader” even when pretty much rubbed on their faces, because their tribalism means they’re emotionally wedded to the tribe and will always believe the tribe’s chief is right and those who say otherwise are liars, is also on display amongst those whose identity is to be Democrats toward their own “tribal chiefs”.

    When it comes to Politics there is no greater human character flaw than Tribalism and the selective blindness that goes with it.