Spanish climate activists sprayed red paint across a superyacht owned by billionaire Walmart heiress Nancy Walton Laurie in Barcelona on Friday, the second time the yacht has been the target of protests in the past two months.

    1 year ago

    And end up like Will Van Spronsen, who was called a terrorist and demonized by almost everyone for doing good. (Reddit would suspend your account just for mentioning him.)

    The super wealthy’s propaganda tools are more powerful than ours because they control the media, and there aren’t as many people who are awake to what’s happening as you might think. I’m all for direct action like what you describe, but we still need the red paint to make people aware of what’s going on. And I promise, it does do something. What do the unlovable rich want that they can’t buy? Love and respect. (Look at fucking Elon, that pathetic insect.)

    I recently read a sci-fi book called “Station Six” by an anarchist author who goes by S.J. Klapecki. Let me quote one of the characters:

    He wants to live like good King Arthur, loved and cherished and appreciated by his serfs. I like throwing a wrench into that. I think it’s important. And, who knows, maybe the next set of malcontents will learn something from us. I doubt it, but there’s my optimism for ya.

    You and I look at the activists pictured and think, “What was the point,” but the majority of people are still learning their ABCs of why this whole system is fucked. Sure, I’d have preferred the ship got destroyed completely, but these folks still did a brave act that has hit that sweet spot where it will get media attention without being entirely buried like a Will Van Spronsen (who, for the record, is a god damn hero and I’m not disparaging him at all).