Make like a tree, and get the fuck out
People in glass houses sink ships
Whatever bursts your boat.
Make like a banana and leave.
😂 best one so far
Check out Boondock Saints, from which this is a quote. Hilarious movies
Surely it’s a riff on BTTF’s Biff Tannen right?
Ya know it might be. I never realized on account of only seeing bttf once when I was young, and never any of the sequels.
In any case, the character that delivers the line in Boondock Saints delivers quite a few malaphors throughout the movie. It’s part of his thing
That’s about as funny as a screen door on a battleship.
Have a nice trip! See you next winter!
Does the pope shit in the woods?
Are bears Catholic?
And which one would you rather meet in the middle of a forest?
But nobody is around to smell it, does it have an odor?
A bird in the hand is worth its weight in gold.
Icarus flew too close to the man in the moon.
Find a penny, pick it up. Would you like some making fuck?
Outstanding, friend. Got a laugh out of me.
Daffy Duck one said, “You buttered your bread, now sleep in it.” And 10 year old me couldn’t stop laughing.
This makes me so happy, thanks for teaching me a word
i’n not the brightest bulb in the shed, but i sure am the sharpest!
I used to say “we’ll burn that bridge when we get to it.” all the time! People didn’t like it though.
I had a boss who said:
“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t suck his ass to make him drink.”
I… I just… Can’t.Okay, you win the internet for the day. 👍
Those that live in glass houses can throw the first stone.
Don’t throw glasses in a stone house.
Malaphors? I call these Rickyisms.
It’s all water under the fridge.
Exactly. Making these things up ain’t rocket appliances.
And there’s so many out there already you can use the existing ones and teach others; get two birds stoned at once
Rickyisms are modern day malapropisms, named for Mrs Malaprop from the 1775 play The Rivals by Sheridan, rather than malaphors.
The difference being a malaphor is a mixed up idiom like the examples in the post and a malapropism is substituting a word in a common saying or idiom for a similar sounding one. For example, “finding an escape goat” or “I resemble that remark”.
“Why don’t you make like tree and fuck off, Lahey!” -Ricky
(I know the difference, I was just attempting to be silly with it all.)
Worse case Ontario I get to tell you I toad a so, I fuckin a toad a so.
A toad a sow.
I’ve made my omelette, now I’ve got to sleep in it. If you lead a horse to water, you can make it fish.
The fish one is making me laugh
Glad to hear it. You know what they say, you miss 100% of the shots you take
I’d rather “if you lead a horse to water, teach it to fish”
We could workshop it, but if you’re bad at something, never do it for free
It’s like finding a needle in a camel’s back
Which is to say: a whole hell of a lot easier than a camel going through the eye of a needle, to quote JC.
Those who dig others a grave shouldn’t throw rocks.
You can get a good look at a t-bone by sticking your head up a butchers ass, but I’d rather take the bulls word for it.
What the fuck is this from? I know this quote; the unflipped one
Tommy Boy.
Thanks. That was making my brain itchy.