The fact that this exists doesn’t surprise me. People are horrible.
The fact that THIS MANY people were in it is disgusting.
To be very slightly fair, if you have public settings on Telegram you can get randomly added to groups without signing up for them, I read an article about this, a journalist who got added to all sorts of illicit groups for credit card theft, etc, without asking. So it’s possible there’s people in there who have never even opened the chat because they don’t use Telegram much and don’t understand it.
Yeah, this is basically how it goes. Telegram is set by default to allow anybody to add you to chats. You can disable that, or set it so only Contacts can add you. Anyways, how it usually goes is some nefarious party, or a bot, will make their way into a legit chat room and then start adding all the members to their crypto chats, or whatever. Thankfully, I only ever was added to crypto scam chats at random before I fixed my privacy settings.
Possibly but if I was auto added to one of these groups I would report and leave it. Not stay on it.
Oh sure me too. But a lot of people end up on Telegram because they’re looking for right wing content and aren’t very social media literate, so they don’t understand how to get out of it.
Makes me wanna start drinking again
Don’t leave the drink unattended
Apparently, there was a guy who drugged and raped his wife and sold her to be raped by 50 other men in France, fucking 20 years in prison. Only 20 years. Fuck…
I understand what you mean, but if I read it correctly the articles said that he was her husband for 50 years. Assuming they got married at 20, he would now be 70, so 20 years means that most likely the rest of his miserable life will be in prison.
Jail isn’t for revenge, longer years won’t undo anything.
It’s also partly to keep dangerous people away from ordinary civilization
Dude will most likely be dead before he has sat out his sentence.
I hope so
It seems unlikely anyone will be accepting a drink or marriage proposal from him anytime soon.
Oh yeah, big worries from the 92 year old. He might have a heart attack on someone.
You think he’d go around spreading Christmas cheer if they let him out? This dude’s fucked up, he’ll find some 92-year-old’s way to make the world worse on his way out. I somehow don’t really care if he spends the rest of his life in prison
It’s been like huge news AND it’s mentioned in the article
All of the rapists received some jail time, too. Not enough, but some.
Get’em. Do WhatsApp next.
I’m thinking a lot of people are about to lose their jobs…
If they managed to dump out everyone’s phone numbers, yeah. Can’t read the article so I can’t tell if there will be consequences.
The article doesn’t really say very much. They mention that the users are from many different countries, and their subject of choice is how to sexually assault women in their households. No mention of ID’ing those involved outside of saying that Telegram generally doesn’t cooperate when asked to give info on their users.
The thing with Telegram is that they do not cooperate with police. The founder was arrested for this reason.
That began in September 2024. Ok I didn’t know that.
Except when they actually do.
“they say”
Put this after the word ‘that’
I’m not giving any opinion here, but just 2 posts away people are complaining about telegram giving up users to the authorities.
What’s your point? Do you have to think a platform should doxx its users to authorities to also think these communities are fucked up?
That’s a very good question, where do we draw the line and who decides?
I think with this sort of groups it’d be less of a problem if they were quicker to shut them down. You don’t get 70 000 members in an instant.
On matrix I regularly see people advertising CP and (non consensual) rape porn
Yes, and on Signal I joined a general vegan chat room, and ended up getting added to a chat called “vegan CP”. I didn’t open it, just blocked it.
I wonder if it was a joke about small, still growing plants. Hell of a joke if so
reminds me of certain subreddits
Vegan Cooking Pros
I had to leave matrix because of that. Absolutely disgusting just even looking at the wording
Someone on here recommended matrix to me because I was saying how the modern Internet sucks and lacks community. I saw some of that type of shit on there and noped the fuck out before even finishing my profile.
The Internet was better before most people were on it.
Are there no moderators in these groups? I thought Matrix had a structure similar to Discord
Sadly its instance based and unlike Lemmy degeneration doesn’t seem to be used, not sure if it even can be. So innocuous communities around gaming or hiking can get hijacked. I was in several active communities were weeks later its constant cp advertisements and reporting doesn’t seem to fix the issue as counts are very easy to make.
Internet Investigator did a good video on this, released yesterday.
There’s a greet episode of Black Mirror, I don’t wish for any of the plots to become reality but the one with the pedos sent on geo hunts needs to happen.
YES. Great episode.
Stuff like this will cost us Article 240, and will have to do “preemptive moderation” with AI tools…
Seems related to
If this were true do you think they’d release this info without sitting on it and using it for a sting or two. I’m not in any way calling this BS, I’m just trying to reconcile that for myself before considering this further.
I love conspiratorial thinking.
“Here’s a thing I made up and have no evidence for - but can anybody prove it wrong?”
If this were true do you think they’d release this info without sitting on it and using it for a sting or two
Why would you think this? It’s nonsensical.