• Justice@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      You know someone’s mind is gone when the mainstream western media even has to heavily backtrack and drop a narrative but people online keep parroting it forever. If there was any actual hard evidence of serious, ongoing mistreatment much less genocide of anyone in China and the US could prove it literally CNN, MSNBC, and Fox would be running pictures of Xi with Holocaust victims in the background 24/7. They ran with a story based on a few accounts which turned out to be… dubious… did a couple follows up that amounted to “what is genocide, anyway?” And we haven’t heard shit since. Again, this is in China. Do not doubt for half a fucking second that the CIA, DoD, and every private organization isn’t foaming with erect cocks at the idea of proving wrongdoing there. The fact that it was apparently dropped by all mainstream media either says they’re in collusion with the US state dept/media (which would require some sort of Illuminati level conspiracy thinking) or… the initial reports were largely discredited as overblown and exaggerated. But it doesn’t matter because once you scream GENOCIDE you can publish 1000 retractions and still get your comment posted everyday, living in pure ignorance.

      There’s also a bunch of other additional multipliers of suspicious and/or ironic shit: whenever you read Uyghurs in China just replace it with black people in the US. I know liberals like to yell about “whataboutism” to distract from the fact that a country that arbitrarily imprisons and legally murders black people daily, still, in 2023 is criticizing any other country for accusations of, essentially, modern day slavery. A lot of it boils down to people getting arrested or forcefully detained and then forced to work… kinda like the US does to its prison population. Remember when California sent in prisoner-firefighters? “Hey want 30 days off your life sentence? Go fly in this helicopter over a wildfire and toss water on it! Good luck, buddy!” Maybe you can spend your outrage energy where you can make a difference… if you’re in the US anyway.

      The US has lied about every single one of its “enemies” except, pretty much, the axis in WWII. Well, they did lie for the Nazi and imperial Japanese but it was more of a helpful lie… a lie of omission because those right wingers benefited the US post-war against the new frenemy the USSR.

      From the legacy of the DPRK(North Korea), the Chinese civil war, the Russian revolution, Cuba, Vietnam, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt… literally the list includes basically the entire world minus the “western” ones. They’ve just been lying and lying and lying so why the fuuuuuuck would you or anyone believe US state dept now? Did they suddenly renounce their warhawk rhetoric of even just a couple presidents ago that led to two illegal invasions of countries the US supported right wing terrorists in and then later used as an excuse for war? Did they imprison a bunch of warmongering “journalists” and basically the entire Clinton/Bush cabinets? No? So they haven’t changed. And they shouldn’t be trusted. This shit is all Saddam and aluminum tubes and yellow cake all over again. As someone who was an older teen at the time, I find it hard to believe anyone is falling for the same exact bullshit again but turned on China this time. I’ve come to accept that my countrymen are mostly morons and racists all too happy to jump on the hate train at the first suggestion that it’s ok to do openly. I’m sure all these Americans that wanted to “glass” Iraq and Afghanistan only 15-20 years ago absolutely totally give a single shit about Muslim populations in China. Please just fuck off with this bullshit. It’s tired and boring.

      • Black AOC@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I know liberals like to yell about “whataboutism” to distract from the fact that a country that arbitrarily imprisons and legally murders black people daily, still, in 2023 is criticizing any other country for accusations of, essentially, modern day slavery.

        Man, I wish crackers cared about us as much as they pretend to about these fake genocides they like to cry wolf about to maintain global hegemon. At this point, if a foreign nation actually WAS committing a genocide and Amerika was the first ones to start complaining about it, I wouldn’t fucking believe them anymore. All the crackers know is how to lie on the folk that’s outperforming them, and that’s facts

      • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I bet this was part of the plan…“we can’t technically post this on our official news sources, but let the narrative run wild and grow more deranged every passing day and it will naturally become part of the cultural zeitgeist.” It’s genius, America is helping their citizens program themselves. It’s crazy how quickly it went from an alleged cultural genocide to liberals telling me “tell that to the pile of dead Uighurs.” Why expose yourself to retaliation for lying on news media when you can just plant a seed and let the average batshit insane racist Westerner make up whatever their wicked hearts desire?