All these years later, a little place down by the river don’t sound so bad.
Legit, these days that’s just waterfront #VanLife, y’know?
What do you do about an address? How do you keep your license and van registration?
In my country the national postal service offers locked PO boxes for a very small fee, and it’s fairly normal for even people who have a street address to use them to receive mail, so you could probably just do that. That said, I’m not personally partial to the “Van Life” so I haven’t thought about it very deeply.
That’s a good point. I don’t believe you need a physical address to purchase a PO Box in the US either.
Getting your driver’s licence can be a hassle though
What was a pathetic joke for gen X and boomers has Millenials and gen Z thinking, “is there a van that is river adjacent?, that’s more the price range I’m looking for”
There’s plenty of Boomers and Gen X thinking the same thing.
Well la de fricking da! We got ourselves an artist here.
Well whoop de fricken do!
This is amazing
Hey remember that time on Letterman when cocaine had way too much Chris Farley?
I love it, but what’s going on?
Oh my are you in for a treat
Come on, spill the beans!
at first, I thought this was a sketch about a pedophile
Then I checked out SNL’s greatest hits
This is pure class
Down, down, down by the river.
I love it
very nice