Another week, another discussion thread for the new episode. What did y’all think? Lots of opinions last week, not all of them good

    1 year ago

    I don’t think continuity in actors is anywhere near as absolutely critical as you seem to think it is. It was a neat touch that they dubbed in the digital appearance of Mark Hamill / Carrie Fisher / Peter Cushing, but I don’t think that means they need to do it every time - I see that as more akin to an Easter egg. When they’ve done this, it’s mostly for characters with small cameo roles, like Luke showing up in The Mandalorian. And I certainly wouldn’t approve of yet more retrospective tinkering with the OT - that time has passed.

    I think most fans’ immersion can cope just fine with Genevieve O’Reilly, who we’re plenty accustomed to playing Mon Mothma, continuing to be her visual appearance in post-OT media. The same way we cope just fine with Vader with mask off in RotJ looking like Sebastian Shaw, and not a digitally-aged Hayden Christensen.

      1 year ago

      Yeah, the visual continuity is something that I can look past in this case. It would be a nice-to-have, not a need-to-have. Retaining the actor also isn’t relevant for cases where a transformative event or an extended period of aging has occurred (ex. unmasked Vader in RotJ, Anakin growing up between TPM and AotC, Obi-Wan between Kenobi and ANH, Boba from AotC to The Mandalorian)