no need to write an essay or anything

some libs and baby leftists are kinda baffled by the trump banter here and don’t know what’s serious and what’s irony

  • Tastysnack [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Short answer: Absolutely not dont be so fucking stupid

    Long answer: Still absolutely not and if a lib knows so little about socialism, intersectionality, minority struggle, social justice that they think leftists would be voting trump (or any Liberal politician) then they need to log off and start genuinely educating themselves because that’s levels of stupidity that would make a grade schooler cringe.

    Libs and the people regurgitating whatever the news tells them on the fediverse LITERALLY don’t engage with reality outside of what they are taught to believe by MSM.

    There’s a lot of irony in here and trump is funny because he shows American politics for what the left have said it was for decades; a corrupt, failing, nepotism ran cabal BY BEING that exact thing and failing so hard he shows everyone like Pelosi, AOC, Biden etc to be just as corrupt and manipulative (admittedly more subtle) as Trump.

    Examples include AOC turning her back on her values and defending Israeli genocide of Palestine, Biden and his many corruption scandals, Pelosi insider trading and weaponising gay marriage rights to manipulate the gay vote.

    Another difference is libs think these are all one of mistakes or one off people and not like a direct and systemic problem with out current system. Like ALL of the Democrats and all of the GOP engage in the same corruption and cronyism to benefit themselves and the system that allows them to live like royalty while the working class starve. Like the pigs it’s not a case of one bad apple, the entire orchard is rotten.

    So yeah we hate trump, but we ironically enjoy him because he accidentally shows the American political system for the corrupt vile state apparatus it is by perfectly weaponising it to benefit his wacky stupid bs.

    Final thought, if the American system is such a fail that a meandering idiot like trump can weaponise its failings to protect himself from literally pedophilia and treason, then just think what the rest of them hide or get away with.

    As I listed above they’ve all had career ending (in a normal world) controversies and the machine has worked its magic to let them keep making decisions that benefit exclusively the rich in turn benefitting the status quo and system.