• RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip
    1 year ago

    He wouldn’t have gone to Donnie begging for money and Donnie wouldn’t have held the shit fundraiser if things weren’t bad. Walls are closing in, people they could once count on aren’t answering the phones. the day is swiftly approaching where it’s going to be clear he cannot and will not be president, when that happens the right will send out new marching orders, they’ll pretend like they all opposed him from the start. Right leaning voters will all fall behind the new guy and trumps cult will go the way of Isis. Maybe with a few less airstrikes and a few more jail sentences.

    As I’ve always said, the day is coming when the right will quietly stash their maga hats in their drawers and pretend like nothing happened. Unfortunately I’ll be there, and I’ll never stop reminding people that I haven’t forgotten what they did. I’ll ensure that everyone knows, and I’m not alone.

    Tick tock Donnie tick tock