Unfortunately we don’t have polls in lemmy. Nonetheless I’d love to hear from you: What’s your favourite Star Trek theme and/or your favourite scene with special (background) music?
For example: My favourite theme is TNG and my favourite scene is Cochrane’s warp speed flight in First Contact with Steppenwolf’s “Magic Carpet Ride”.
First Contact main theme > all
It’s quite a lovely piece. Which is completely incongruous with the tone of the film.
Agreed. I’d say that Nemesis theme with Blue Skies is a close second. “A New Ending”
I don’t really care about music, but my fiancee loves the SNW theme so much that whenever I’m rewatching the show without her, she’ll hear it, and come watch it with me, so that one
Enterprise theme song is GOAT
I haven’t been awake long and can’t think of a specific scene with background music
It’s been a looong road…
… getting from there to here…
I love it too! There are dozens of us!
DS9, but I also have a fondness for LD.
I gotta agree with Magic Carpet Ride, but otherwise, I enjoy that weird campy music Fear plays in VOY: The Thaw.
Lower Decks is the best one of all the post kelvin Treks, for sure, but that might be because it’s borrowing so heavily from TNG/TMP.
I think that’s part of it. I do think they deserve some credit, though, for the way the note drops down at the end of each repetition of the main motif, mirroring how the Cerritos doesn’t have the same confidence as the Enterprise.
Also, while I don’t necessarily like the newer cinematic themes as much, I do respect the use of the Inner Light flute in the Picard theme. Also, although still not a top tier theme, Strange New Worlds’s theme is at least memorable, though probably in part because of its borrowings from the TOS theme. The Prodigy theme feels like a blend of cinematic, TAS, and TNG-style themes.
My favorite theme is definitely Deep Space Nine!
Favorite scene is a little harder though. I’ll probably have to go with the montage scene in the last DS9 episode, which had a slow instrumental medley of The Way You Look Tonight and the DS9 incidental music.
I also think the scene in DS9: The Siege of AR-558 where Bashir is playing the recording of I’ll Be Seeing You is really good too. It works even better on a rewatch after you see how important the song becomes to Nog.
Wrath of Khan. It is objectively superior. All others kneel before the superior intellect!
Spock’s theme is perfect. Epilogue is insane.
TNG is also my favourite theme, but my favourite scene with music is the flute song Picard plays for his son’s birth in “The Inner Light” (especially the reprise at the end with the real flute from the probe).
Does the intro of Galaxy Quest count?
My top intro music shows: TNG, VOY, DS9, DIS, SNW, LD
Honorable mention: ENT
Top movie theme: First ContactTOS of course, will never skip it
I like the opening credits theme to Star Trek IV. In fact that whole movie had a great soundtrack, including the fake punk rock song titled “I Hate You.”
It isn’t a main theme, but my favourite cue is Ilia’s Theme. So sweeping and majestic.
Anything but Enterprise.
Favorite song? The OG’s opening.
But favorite intro altogether is the enterprise one.
Now I have the ahhh ahhh in my head again. I like the OG opening, but hate the choral part.
Every 60s show seems to be scored as though the camera could pan out any time and reveal whatever setting you thought you were in was in fact a black-tie ballroom party with a big band ensemble.