Interested in getting a feel for what people may be likely to do IF reddit reverses their decision regarding API access, or reduces access fees to a reasonable level and 3rd party apps remain sustainable.

While I know the chances of this are extreeeemely slim, until 1st July there is an ever so slight chance this could still happen.

From my perspective, the community harm is done, and those who have left prior to July 1 have left due to principles, not because their app stopped working. As such, I’d be inclined to think most of those migrators would stay here in the fediverse.

But would we see a mass exodus back to reddit if the changes were undone? It’s easy to say no, but if it went back to operations as relatively normal, it may be easy to justify going back for some users.

I’d like to think I wouldn’t go back. I’ve deleted content and account from reddit. I’ll be happy here so long as there is enough userbase for some discussion.

    1 year ago

    Reddit was unusable way before the last scandal. Main problems being arbitrary, opaque moderation, astroturfing, low-effort posts, bots, general meanness and negativity.
    It got to the point where it felt like you were more likely to interact with a bot or a propagandist than a normal human being.
    Reddit is an advertising platform masquerading as social media.
    It’ll probably happen here too, but it might take a while.

    1 year ago

    I don’t want to go back. I miss my subreddit - hell let’s be honest, I miss /Reddit/ - but… Seeing how spez has acted and treated… /everyone/…

    Like… We used the site, we provided the content, and the conversations, and the knowledge, the info, the jokes, the memes… That was all us. And it’s like… I dunno he wants to eat his cake and have it to. He wants us there both for the content we provide as well as to monetize us and in a way I get it but it’s like… … When reddit was just the background… “the background” you didn’t really think about it so much, you know? But it’s like when Elon took over Twitter suddenly it’s not just “Twitter” in the background it’s now “Elon musks Twitter” and it’s front and center and sleezy and scuzzy and you just want to not be a part of it anymore.

    That feels like reddit now. Like how spez has been acting just makes it all feel dirty and horrible.

    And I /miss/ reddit, I miss my subreddits. I miss googling any random idea and aphending reddit to the end of it and not even thinking about if it would show up on there because you just knew it would. Like it wasn’t even a question… And I /miss/ that. So much. … But it’s like… /tainted/ now. I hate seeing reddit results from Google searches now.

    And learning about how federation works reminds me of reading shadow run back in the day and how the matrix worked there with little nodes of info all talking to each other. In a way, then, the fediverse, to /me/, feels like the future…

    So I’m willing to stay here and wait for it to grow and comment a little more than I ever did on reddit. Because I don’t want to go back. And I don’t think we should.

      1 year ago

      Bring your subs here. I’m sure you’ll find new subscribers in lemmy/kbin. We’re still growing so it might not be immediate, but I’m confident that as the fediverse matures and it gets simpler for people more will come. :)

      I’m staying. The community has been nothing short of amazing. I don’t get stressed when commenting or discussing things with people unlike reddit where a lot of interactions (not all, of course) are directly or indirectly motivated by karma.

      Hell,I’d never have commented this if I were on reddit for fear of someone coming along and debating what I’ve said. Lol.

    1 year ago

    Meh. I’m staying here. Reddit has been getting worse. The future should be federated, not centralized, so hopefully that stuff Reddit just did has very little chance of happening again.

    1 year ago

    For me, it’s not just that they screwed up the API changes, it’s that they’ve repeatedly kept doubling down since then.

    It’s also … I keep thinking back to Ellen Pao. They brought her in knowing that they wanted her to get rid of FPH and Victoria, knowing that at least the FPH thing was going to make her a target of the misogynistic GamerGate haters and bringing in a woman anyway, and they deliberately and repeatedly refused to give her any public support. It was completely reprehensible, and they cheerfully scapegoated her and kicked her to the curb when it was done.

    As bad as that was, I also see elements of the same thing happening here, where this is a highly unpopular change, and there’s no one else from reddit speaking up to support spez. I think they’re going to have him force through the changes and then kick him to the curb like they did Ellen. They’re not going to reverse any of the changes - it’s what they want, after all, but they’re going to let spez take all the heat and go on their merry way completely unphased.

    To be completely honest, I think spez deserves this: his job as CEO is to have vision, manage public relations, and handle crises, and he’s miserably failed at all of those. He misunderstood reddit’s most valuable assets (it’s commentary and the large group of people contributing and moderating the site for free), and he literally paid the API fees for some very profitable and potentially profitable companies to suck every piece of data from reddit; then he publicly targeted small publishers who enhance reddit instead of presenting them as collateral damage of the AI wars (I suspect to avoid bringing attention to his incredible lack of vision in letting everyone freely harvest data for their own lucrative products). And he’s clearly failing in the PR and managing crises front as well. But I truly believe that everyone at reddit is perfectly happy to let spez do this thing that they want done, and then they’ll throw him away when it’s done in an attempt to appease the users.

    Anyway, your question is “what will I do if reddit undoes the API changes”. Given my beliefs, I simply don’t see how I could possibly trust reddit management ever again. And trust is a really big thing with me; I don’t think I could ever go back.

    Unless you’re reddit management, here to gauge user temperament, in which case I will totally return if the API changes are undone, yes, of course I will, just trust me!

    1 year ago

    After Steve’s behavior and treatment of the mods and developers, I wouldn’t go back if they paid me. Even in the best case scenarios, they can’t undo the damage that’s already been done.

    1 year ago

    Imagine we’re at the point where the Titanic has split in two, and the remaining portion is held afloat by trapped air. You can patch the hole made by the iceberg, but it probably won’t change my plans too much.

    1 year ago

    I think everyone reading this from kbin or lemmy left out of principle, so they should also stay away from reddit out of principle.

      1 year ago

      Or at least try to. I haven’t been able to cut myself off from it and set up RSS feeds for subs buildapcsales and gamedeals

      To use with feedly. Also, found a lemmy instance called that will pull content from a subreddit to lemmy and set up gamedeals, but didn’t have luck with buildapcsales

      But, days of accounts is done. I don’t want to provide direct data to them anymore.

      1 year ago

      To be fair, there are some people who are here because they had their fill of John Oliver’s sexy pictures.

      edit: To clarify, I left out of principle just like what @Doll_Tow_Jet-ski said. Doesn’t mean my statement is untrue or that it’s inherently a bad thing that it’s not all idealistic exredditors using lemmy/kbin. It only means the John Oliver stuff is actually working and drove some people out of Reddit.

        1 year ago

        I dunno man. That was the first thing that made me actually want to go back. That and the butthole. I definitely regretted the butthole. Not sure what I was expecting. It was a butthole.

            1 year ago

            Interestingasfuck went nuclear and decided to allow NSFW content and essentially stop moderating, some dad posted that if he got enough upvotes he would post hi hairy butthole, which made it to the front page of r/all where it hovered and winked at world for a while.

  • Cevilia (she/they/…)
    1 year ago

    In my case? Nothing. They thoroughly burned that bridge. They would have to rebuild it, and merely returning to the status quo after showing their hand isn’t enough.

    1 year ago

    I might end up on Reddit when googling for answers but I wouldn’t go back full time. It has been very clear from the past few days that spez and co are not to be trusted. I like kbin a lot, I feel adults are having actual mature conversations instead of the insult matches that happen on Reddit. And I have contributed here more than I have in the 10 years of using Reddit.

    1 year ago

    I’ll live here, but I might poke into Reddit for the more obscure communities that can’t really survive a migration. Reddit knows what it wants and even if it fails this time, they’ll get sly with it and push more and more until they’re satisfied.

    The biggest news is going to make it over here at this point anyway.

    1 year ago

    Does not matter if they revert the changes or not at this point. I found a new home here and will keep using it.
    I will still keep my reddit-Account and do the same as with my FB-account: Visit the site once a month to check up on the one or two communities that unfortunately stayed there.

    1 year ago

    I don’t see that a reversal at this point would be any different to Twitter suddenly becoming usable again. The damage has already been done, it can’t be reversed. Even with a pinky swear that Reddit will never pull this shit again, the trust is gone. Just like with Twitter - Elon could f*** off to Mars tomorrow, but the next person to step in and run Twitter could be just as bad, or worse. And both companies can implement any changes they like at any time with zero worry about what happens to the users. Thus - it’s the wake-up call we all needed, that someone else’s platform is really someone else’s platform - regardless of how long we have had a home there. It’s time for own platform, a community run platform.

    1 year ago

    I’ll stay here, I don’t tolerate being treated like sh*it as they did, it’s totally unacceptable. Even if they apologized, they shown their true colors, we know they would be lying.

    I came here a couple of weeks ago and since then I did my best to be involved in lemmy communities so as to not miss reddit, and you know what? It worked :)

    I’m not deleting my account because I want my data first (sent a GDPR request), but I don’t really care anymore about what they do, nor I care about reddit as a platform, engagement here is much higher quality.

    Still following news because it’s entertaining, I love how the community got creative with the protest.

      1 year ago

      At this point it’s not even about the API changes anymore. Spez would need to be replaced to even consider it. He’s shown what he thinks of the community, he’s made a tour of all the tech news sites outright lying and misrepresenting how users feel, he’s killed several small businesses for app developers, and is currently authorizing the removal of entire teams of mods (and locking their accounts).

      All of the problems with Reddit start at the top. No band-aids are going to fix that problem. Spez is the disease, and Reddit is the rot that follows. Twitter can never recover under Elon, and Reddit will continue to decline under Spez.

      I’m out. If any Lemmy/kbin admin pulls some shit like Elon or Spez, you just move to another instance. I’m done with the Silicon Valley style “burn it down for the payday” mind set because VC firms have the CEO by the balls.

        1 year ago

        I am willing to die for “fucken” to replace “fucking” in the dictionary