• @DjMeas@lemm.ee
    30311 months ago

    I still wear a mask when going out to stores because I’m immunocompromised due to a kidney transplant. It’s ultimately up to me to protect myself from others but what bothers me most lately are people who either laugh or think I’m stupid for still wearing a mask. Some even go as far as to call me out and shame me for it. Can people just mind their own business? I’m not trying to get them to wear a mask so why are they so fixated on me taking mine off?

    • @library_napper@monyet.cc
      11811 months ago

      I still wear a mask because I stand in soldiartiy with folks like you.

      Not only do I want to prevent the spread of the disease that could kill immune compromised folks like yourself, but it also helps normalize mask wearing.

    • Blake [he/him]
      8811 months ago

      Genuinely, I think it’s probably because they feel a little guilty when they see you wearing one, and that’s uncomfortable for people, so they respond by taking it out on you.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        3611 months ago

        A while lot of liberalism and liberal brainworms involves feeling uncomfortable about someone else caring too much in a way that isn’t convenient for treat consumption.

        • @phej@reddthat.com
          811 months ago

          “feeling uncomfortable about someone else” that’s what fascism is dear. Conservatives so are so uncomfortable about what people have in their pants and what they do with it that they want to ban people from talking about transgender and sexuality topics

          • duderium [he/him]
            11 months ago

            Maybe you’re new here, but fascism and liberalism are two sides of the capitalist coin. Liberals stopped masking almost the instant Biden set foot in the White House, despite the fact that 2/3 of covid deaths occurred while Biden was office (liberals will also excuse Biden’s “inaction” while claiming that Trump, who occupied the same office, was a tyrannical authoritarian totalitarian dictator who ran roughshod over the hallowed institutions of our precious democracy). Capitalism is a death cult, workers should run the world, not bourgeois scum and their running dogs.

            • Farman [any]
              110 months ago

              Im not sure; while fascism is certainly the logical conclusion of lieralism. And we can observe so in the protofascist regimes in early 20th century mexico and turkey. i think liberalism is paraphiletic to fascism sort of like reptiles are to birds. The material conditions that enable one over the other are distinct enough, and the core ideological asumptions seem to be different.

              • silent_water [she/her]
                210 months ago

                fascism as an ideology is still at it’s core a defense of capitalism. liberalism has many flavors but it includes everything that exists to support, reinforce, and defend the capitalist project. fascism is only different in that the violence liberalism wreaks in the colonies are turned inwards, towards the nations of the imperial core. but violence itself is a central pillar of all ideologies and it does not differentiate liberalism from fascism.

                • @LucidNightmare@lemm.ee
                  -111 months ago

                  It’s actually embarrassing seeing what garbage the human race has produced where we actively try to regress instead of progress… but yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart. 😂

                • @LucidNightmare@lemm.ee
                  -311 months ago

                  It’s actually embarrassing seeing what garbage the human race has produced where we actively try to regress instead of progress… but yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart. 😂

            • ɠισƚԋҽϝʅσɯ
              011 months ago

              despite the fact that 2/3 of covid deaths occurred while Biden was office

              yea yea fuck capitalism, eat the rich, etc., but this “statistic” is disingenuously presented. The pandemic has existed for much more of Biden’s elected years than Trump’s. If your only criterion is that we’ll pretend both prezs were equally apathetic (they weren’t). Do we have to count the years for you? Don’t let ideology make you forget basic arithmetic.

              • duderium [he/him]
                11 months ago

                The pandemic has existed for much more of Biden’s elected years than Trump’s.

                Wow I wonder how that could be 🤔. It’s almost as though Biden’s covid “policy” has been criminally ineffective! He can’t even claim credit for the development of the vaccines, since Operation Warp Speed began under Trump!

                Biden said that he would listen to the scientists, but forgot to add that they would be eugenicists 😉

              • TheOtherwise [none/use name]
                11 months ago

                Biden literally said it was up to the states to deal with…which is partly what liberals were upset with trump for–not having a cohesive federal response

              • RustyVenture [he/him]
                1111 months ago

                Nothing disingenuous about it. Biden’s entire shtick was about following the science and doing the right thing (and being able to win over Republicans on controversial issues, that was the whole reason why we couldn’t gamble on anyone else) and he almost immediately tossed that out and adopted his predecessor’s “ignore it and it’ll go away” attitude. The White House pushed a vax-only approach which was proven to be ineffective before he even took office and then went out to brunch. For fuck’s sake, the man had to be publicly shamed into sending out masks and tests during a surge his feckless ass engendered because he pretended the pandemic was over in April 2021, when less than half of the adult population got their first round of shots.

                I’d be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt considering how poorly even the states that did give half a fuck in 2020 were managing and there is no doubt that it is a complex job, but once you start mimicking the guy you lambasted a few months prior for exacerbating the problem (not to mention spending the next year and a half prematurely stripping people of basic protections and the ability to reliably test and track within their own communities), you lost what little sympathy I could muster. For all intents and purposes, he owns all of the deaths from the day he stepped into the Oval Office. Worst of all, it’s both set the tone for how future leaders will be able to respond to crises, as well as reinforced the notion that our government is ontologically incapable of providing anything for its own citizens besides more terror.

                As for which one of these shitstains is more apathetic: Trump gave me more cash (and it wasn’t means-tested), suspended my student loan payments, afforded me a rent moratorium if I had lost my job, and didn’t end federal mask or testing mandates for traveling because his buddy at Delta Airlines whined to him in a letter. Nothing spells “apathy” like going on 60 Minutes amid yet another surge in cases and saying “the pandemic is over,” or cutting off extended UI prematurely, or instructing cities to use their unused Covid funds to give to the pigs.

                If Trump was smart enough to even utter the words “wear a mask” at any point in 2020 he would still be in office today. This is not an endorsement, for the record. I don’t doubt Trump would have done all of this and worse eventually as well, but the difference is that his callousness was consistently met with resistance and vocal opposition. For Joe Biden, whose callousness is every bit as harmful, there is no effective resistance, no organized campaign to combat the president’s anti-science blathering. We all have to get over it and live even more precariously in this shithole lest we be accused of helping Trump win again.

                • @Hexadecimalkink@lemmy.ml
                  110 months ago

                  Trump was actually very pro mask at the beginning of the pandemic until the CDC told him they didn’t have enough stock for everyone. The CDC first said not to mask up so that they could secure enough supplies for government workers. This is all recorded fact.

            • P03 Locke
              11 months ago

              fascism and liberalism are two sides of the capitalist coin

              Oh, look, a HexBear dipshit in the wild! I wonder how we can figure them out so easily!

              This is “both sides are bad” bullshit, a destructive force from apathetic people. Don’t listen to this shit. Vote every year, twice a year!

              • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
                11 months ago

                There’s more than two political ideologies. The person you’re replying to isn’t talking about American political parties.

                There’s a lot of history and theory about how different ideologies, especially liberalism and fascism, interact with each other. This is what they were making reference to.

              • Kuori [she/her]
                2911 months ago

                Vote every year, twice a year!

                lmao this really is all politics is to shitlibs

              • duderium [he/him]
                11 months ago

                The fact that we care about life more than the blood altar of capital tends to make it easy to find us. And remember: losing ideological battles online is but a prelude to losing such battles in the real world.

                Edit: imagine thinking that voting every few years for bourgeois puppets equals democracy. Real democracy is practiced in every home, school, and workplace every day by every person. Liberals don’t want to hear this, though, because they tend to do poorly when everyone everywhere is able and willing to participate in a truly democratic society 😉

                If you want to really see how democratic the USA is, try forming a union in your workplace. Try protesting in a way that inconveniences capital. Try going to a city when you have no money or connections. Try speaking publicly about how Biden has given $75 billion+ to Ukrainian Nazis. Then see just how amazing and democratic life in the USA really is.

                And yes, both sides are definitely bad, as evidenced by the fact that by any objective measure, everything in the USA is worse than it was when Trump was president. But thankfully there’s a third side called Marxism. If it didn’t work and it was really such a failure, then you wouldn’t be panicking daily about China’s rise. And if China is not actually communist, I assume you would have no issue with the CPC taking over the USA, since the result would be the same, right? Whatever human rights issues they supposedly have pale in comparison to the multiple ongoing genocides perpetrated by the USA’s ruling class. The Iraq War alone—supported by both American liberals and fascists—is far worse than anything the Nazis in the CIA say that China has done.

              • KurtVonnegut [comrade/them]
                1011 months ago

                This is “both sides are bad” bullshit, a destructive force from apathetic people. Don’t listen to this shit. Vote every year, twice a year!

                Biden has been in office for almost four years. Abortion was banned under his watch. He could have prevented it by expanding the supreme court - he chose not to. He chose to let thousands of women suffer and die.

                Student loan forgiveness was promised by Biden - a promise he failed to deliver. Again, expanding the supreme court could have prevented this.

                Biden has done absolutely nothing to stand up to the military-industrial complex. He pulled out of Afghanistan, then almost immediately began sending billions in “lethal aid” to Ukraine.

                Biden has upheld the deportation laws at the Mexican border that Trump put in place. He is actively choosing to do that!

                I don’t understand how any rational person can look at Biden and say he’s doing anything even slightly left-wing. He is not. Objective reality shows is that both sides (Democrats and Republicans) ARE the same because they are DOING the same thing. Ideology says they are different. Reality says they are the same. If you believe they are different, you are valuing ideology over reality.

              • Farman [any]
                610 months ago

                Its not a both sides are bad. Its an academic discussion about the genealogy of facism. And when you look at protofacist regimes like the young turks its very clear their ideology has a basis in liberalism.

              • Bnova [he/him]
                410 months ago

                Thank you, I will vote at least a dozen times in at least a dozen counties just for you. Be the change you want to see in the world.

              • @Shortstack@reddthat.com
                11 months ago

                Man I was reading his comment and I was like what is this whataboutism nonsense he’s talking about, then it made sense when I read your comment. Guess I gotta start looking at usernames again before reading comments

                • duderium [he/him]
                  2311 months ago

                  Guess you need to put down the Harry Potter and read actual theory/history before discussing topics about which you are willfully ignorant.

      • @Piers@beehaw.org
        210 months ago

        Yeah, you’re probably right. They see someone wearing a mask, they feel bad, they decide the person wearing the mask made them feel bad.

    • Polar
      6811 months ago

      Same. I never stopped wearing a mask because I’m immunocompromised from my lung transplant. People call me names all the time. Even here on Lemmy.

    • RBG
      5911 months ago

      To distract themselves from their own problems.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      3611 months ago

      It’s real bad. Fun fact: I am very big, and I’ve worn straight up gas masks at some points during the pandemic, and no one has ever said anything to me. Plague rats are real brave as long as they’re pretty confidant there won’t be consequences. It’s gross.

      • @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
        210 months ago

        Yes, I wouldn’t describe my as very big but I’m not small and the number of people who look like they’re going to say something and then reconsider it when they take a second look at me… cowards. These are people used to bullying those they can bully without consequence.

    • @Shortstack@reddthat.com
      3411 months ago

      This is why I started exclusively wearing kn95s because it became clear after a time that people simply don’t give a shit about anyone except themselves, they don’t care if you or I get covid and die.

      So I stopped pretending like I’m doing my part since we all know surgicals and cloth masks are only truly effective if everyone else is wearing them. They know too but choose to fuck us anyway. So fuck them too and protect yourself first. Wear your p100 respirator with the exhaust vents that filter nothing for extra vindictive points

    • @LucidNightmare@lemm.ee
      2811 months ago

      Honestly, I am not immunocompromised and I still wear a mask because I haven’t gotten sick since the pandemic started, and it even helps my sinus’ when I’m cleaning the house. I’ve never been one to worry about what someone thinks of me, so I’m sorry if this comes off as tone deaf, but fuck ‘em. Why should you care about what they think about you? When was the last time you thought about that person who was doing something you thought was strange in the local mart? I will assume not until I just made you think about them. Live your life as safely as you want. For every moron out there trying to make fun of you (they can try, but ultimately they themselves just look foolish and stupid) there are more like me and the others who wear masks alongside you. Stay safe and have a good rest of your day!

      • @macabrett@hexbear.net
        1311 months ago

        it even helps my sinus’ when I’m cleaning the house.

        One of the best parts about having a bunch of cloth masks from early in the pandemic is they’re great for cleaning. I wear one when I clean my cats’ litterboxes every day.

        I wear N95s outside the house, but cloth masks have still proven useful.

      • @Piers@beehaw.org
        110 months ago

        For every moron out there trying to make fun of you (they can try, but ultimately they themselves just look foolish and stupid) there are more like me and the others who wear masks alongside you.

        That does not match my experiences. Assuming you’re happy saying so, where in the world are you that this is true? Are they accepting new residents?

    • @TheKaul@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      1811 months ago

      This is the same issue the LGBT community suffers from, as well as people of color, people with accents, etc. People always find ways to make themselves feel superior to others by pointing out something different. You choosing to wear a mask just makes those kinds of people laugh because they either 1. Feel better than you for not wearing masks or 2. They are uneducated/ignorant and follow others’ opinions without question.

      I suppose the only way to turn it back around on them would be to try scaring them by saying you have something contagious like strep throat, or worse, so they’ll shut up and leave you alone. Otherwise my only other advice would be to just do your best to not engage with these types of people.

      • @Piers@beehaw.org
        210 months ago

        I suppose the only way to turn it back around on them would be to try scaring them by saying you have something contagious like strep throat, or worse, so they’ll shut up and leave you alone.

        I do find that I suddenly feel like I need to clear my throat when this happens.

    • @paddirn@lemmy.world
      1511 months ago

      Probably the same kind of people complaining about their religion being “under attack”, yet they’re the only ones actively pushing their religion on everyone else and trying to criminalize anything that goes against what they think it stands for.

    • Lifted_lowered
      1110 months ago

      I was refused service at my bank the other day for not taking off my mask when they asked. They never had a problem with me being masked up before, even when I opened the account. I went and used mobile deposit instead, but it was a really disturbing precedent. I wrote in asking about their policy and instead of a straight answer I was dodged by management.

      I don’t want to sue them or anything, I just want them to come to their senses and not prohibit me from making a deposit to my account because I don’t want to get sick.

      • @Piers@beehaw.org
        610 months ago

        I wrote in asking about their policy and instead of a straight answer I was dodged by management.

        I feel like over the last few years organisations in general have become far more likely to try to just brush off an issues someone raises than just cleanly and easily address them.

    • HandsomePotato
      1011 months ago

      I work in the med/surg floor of a busy hospital, even though management has taken down mask requirements for patients and staff, I still keep mine on when I go into patients room. I’m not immunocomprised, I just don’t trust other people to tell me or the admitting staff the truth of their problems.

      • @CADmonkey@lemmy.world
        811 months ago

        Alternatively: “I’m hiding my face from the HillarySorosObama facial recognition cameras, if YOU want Joe Biden knowing how many zits you have that’s on you”

    • @Piers@beehaw.org
      810 months ago

      The thing that bothers me more is when they seem actively annoyed to see someone in a mask. Like somehow me wearing a mask in a shared public space in order to prevent someone from dieing horribly is unfair to this rando but this rando doesn’t think that them hacking and coughing everywhere in a shared public space without a mask on is unfair to anybody.

    • @JeffCraig@citizensgaming.com
      710 months ago

      I really hoped that the mask stigma would change, but it’s sad to see it go this way. I might just start wearing a mask again to do my part to normalize it.

      If people are sick, they should feel like it’s the right thing to do to wear a mask. It needs to be a normal thing and people that make fun of it are pieces of shit .

    • @DarkWasp@lemmy.world
      511 months ago

      I honestly think it’s because you’re physically reminding them that Covid still exists and it makes them deeply uncomfortable. My wife and I wear one for similar reasons and she’s been accosted a few times where as I haven’t. It’s disgusting behaviour.

    • @Dr_pepper_spray@lemmy.world
      310 months ago

      No one should shame anyone for wearing a mask. However no one should shame anyone for not wearing a mask.

      I don’t begrudge anyone for wearing a mask in solidarity or to do what they think they can to save lives, but I’m on the side of feeling like I’m taking a personal bag to the store, or recycling plastic bottles like it’s actually doing something. I personally don’t like wearing a mask, and I feel like in most cases it’s just theater to do so.

    • @Birdie@thelemmy.club
      11 month ago

      Someone called me a libtard under his breath, but loudly enough to make sure I heard…in a CANCER center, where many of us were having our immune systems weakened by chemo.

      You can’t fix stupid so I don’t even try. I’ve been in remission for almost two years, I’m healthy and he’s out there sucking in viruses. We both have ticking clocks, but mine is ticking much more slowly than his is.

  • Captain Howdy
    14511 months ago

    But fuck it, let’s all just return to the office anyways. Amirite? SMH

  • @macabrett@hexbear.net
    13911 months ago

    I want to share my experience as a disabled person, because I think it’s very easy to simply not notice our non-existance:

    I don’t exist anymore. I’m a hermit. It’s been years since I’ve done anything in public. I go to the rheumatologist, I go to a lab to get blood tests, and once a year I get an x-ray to make sure I don’t have TB. I don’t do anything else. There’s about a two week period where being outside isn’t some unbearably high or low temperature that exacerbates my condition.

    Please care about covid. Just, please. Do it for people like me if that helps you, but mostly do it for yourself. This virus can make you like me and it’s miserable (I was sick before Covid, but Covid is known to trigger autoimmune conditions which are the primary cause of my suffering).

    • Mike
      5711 months ago

      Covid is known to trigger autoimmune conditions

      *waves* Hi, I’m new here. Recent owner of (currently) 12 different autoimmune markers. 😭

      • @macabrett@hexbear.net
        3411 months ago

        I’m so sorry, it’s not a good time. I hope you find treatment that offers some level of relief.

        • Mike
          11 months ago

          Scariest part is the discovery and uncertainty of it all. "oh well if it’s scleroderma, you’re dead in 10 years. If it’s just scleroderma Ana, maybe it’s lupus. It could also be this weird ass thing that less than 1000 people in the world have. Well, I mean you have the marker, but it could also be lupus. Maybe MS. Are you still having dysphagia and have you choked on food lately? "

          Excuse me while I gently sway back and forth in the corner over here.

          And don’t get me wrong, I’m not a antivax person, like at all, I have 5 rona shots now. But if someone tries to suggest with 100% absolute certainty that either covid itself or the toll the vaccine took on me didn’t unlock an underlying autoimmune disorder, I’ll kick em. I’m not saying that the vaccine gave me an autoimmune issue. I’m saying it likely existed prior but was the catalyst.

          • silent_water [she/her]
            1611 months ago

            I’m not in quite as bad shape but I also reacted badly to the vaccine. I get awful migraines after every shot/covid exposure lasting months and it’s become permanent since the last one. I quite literally have not had a single day free from migraines in 6 months and I’m completely intractable to every medication we’ve tried. like they’re talking about burning out various nerves in my face and neck to try and prevent them but it feels hopeless. I no longer get to have a social life and I’m struggling to keep a wfh job - I’m effectively bedridden all the time because of the side effects of migraines (dizziness, vertigo, muscle weakness, primarily), and I’ve been getting seizures for the past year.

            I wish people would just do the bare minimum to protect people like us but I’ve mostly given up. just trying to get used to my new, extremely small world.

            • @cubedsteaks@lemmy.today
              310 months ago

              you mentioned burning nerves in your face but have you looked into botox for migraines? they inject in the back of your neck. Or maybe doctors already suggested this for you? I understand they only use it for very severe migraines.

          • @macabrett@hexbear.net
            710 months ago

            The uncertainty is awful. It took me ten years to get diagnosed with anything. I had so many doctors that thought I was just seeking pain pills. I had to beg a primary care physician to refer me to a rheumatologist. The rheumatologist guessed what I had within 5 minutes. A few blood tests, X-rays, and an MRI later and I had a diagnosis. Ten years and then someone guesses it in 5 minutes. Autoimmune diseases are weird like that.

            I’m also incredibly pro-vax, but those things knock me on my ass for days. Seems pretty common for people with autoimmune diseases.

          • starlinguk
            110 months ago

            My shit started about two months after having Covid. Longgg before I got vaccinated. I think some people think it’s the vaccine because problems don’t tend to start right away when you have covid. It takes a while.

            • Mike
              10 months ago

              I never tested positive for covid. I was sick once, but repeatedly tested negative across multiple brands of at home kits. My wife was sick a couple of weeks afterwards, and tested positive at the first sniffle.


    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      3411 months ago

      100% with you. Haven’t taken my mask off in public in years, and making regular attempts to goad my friends in to putting theirs back on.

      • @macabrett@hexbear.net
        2311 months ago

        Thanks for looking out for us. I wish more people looked at it the way you do. It’s been really weird seeing headlines since 2022 that excitedly proclaim “hey its only old people and disabled people dying now!”

      • Aliveelectricwire [it/its]
        2011 months ago

        If more people thought like you I could have a life again. I’m severely immunocompromised and COVID almost killed me when I caught it a year ago

    • @neutron@thelemmy.club
      1911 months ago

      I’m so sorry for you, man. I had to take care of my parents when covid started (they’re all fine now) and couldn’t stand the mouth breathers thinking only they and themselves mattered.

  • Max_Power
    10 months ago

    The lesson I’m learning is that we should have worn masks during “flu season” all along. In crowded and poorly ventilated spaces at least. It’s a cheap and easy measure and I don’t know what the BFD is with masks.

  • @MJBrune@beehaw.org
    11510 months ago

    I didn’t know lemmy was full of anti maskers. Wear a mask ffs. You should have kn95s or n95s. They work and prevent all sorts of illness. Even a regular mask works better than nothing. They did plenty of studies.

  • Cyclohexane
    10511 months ago

    Our track record dealing with covid shows us that our approach was largely unsuccessful. Masking must be enforced, not suggested. This is the only effective solution.

  • Whiskey Pickle
    11 months ago

    it’s interesting to see how common it is for people in NYC to still wear them sometimes, especially when on the subway (the air is shitty, so it makes sense).

    I doubt it will be much of a problem here, except for those who always refused. yeah, it sucks, but it’s a lot better than getting sick— or dying.

    • duderium [he/him]
      2611 months ago

      I have wealthy lib family members who live in NYC. One recently asked my spouse, who is an RN regularly exposed to this deadly virus thanks to liberal/fascist anti-maskers, if covid was still a thing.

    • @twirl7303@lemmy.world
      1711 months ago

      I wear one on the subway and it also helps a lot with smells. That “car that smells like shit” is often not noticeable at all.

    • @Piers@beehaw.org
      310 months ago

      especially when on the subway (the air is shitty, so it makes sense).

      Man, having had easy access to some sort of mask for a long time now, I keep finding little situations where historically I’d be like “man, I wish I didn’t have to breath this shit, it can’t be good for me” where I just don’t breath those things anymore…

      I’m trying to think of good examples but the only one that comes to mind is that in the rare instance I need to use bug spray I’m always glad I have a mask I can wear in case it floats my way.

      • Whiskey Pickle
        210 months ago

        funny you say this… I often think, “have I been breathing this shit this whole time?” when I pull off a mask I’ve been wearing in the subway to wash it, and all this grime washes out

          • Whiskey Pickle
            10 months ago

            what, you don’t like the smell of garbage and rat pee?

            tourists… :P

  • @MrShankles@reddthat.com
    10 months ago

    Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated. Stop spreading misinformation

    Since the anti-mask/vax comments seem to be flooding in, figured I’d make my opinion known too… as obnoxiously as I can, because apparently that’s how it’s done

    • Ildsaye [they/them]
      11 months ago

      The Myth of “Consensual” Public Health
      meow-hug ---------------------- porky-scared Isn’t there someone you forgot to ask?
      Policy - Scientists’ Warnings - Quarterly Profits

      (how do I make blank spaces instead of dashes?)

  • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
    6011 months ago

    There was a moment in my life where I was optimistic about masks. I pictured a cyberpunk future we didn’t get sick as much and had a cool new fashion accessory we could have fun with. It is wild how capitlaism couldn’t even resist the power of covid

  • @cmrn@lemmy.world
    5811 months ago

    This post made me realize how completely ignorant to covid I’ve become lately… I had to check the date to see if it was current or years old.

    • @stereofony@lemm.ee
      2211 months ago

      From a fellow trans person: I know you mean well, but shame/ridicule is the least effective agent of change. This kind of attitude I hear not just from you but other leftist queer friends just straight up leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths and does nothing to convince folks of your cause, no matter how good your intentions are. To quote a Tshirt I once saw: Kindness is more punk rock than a middle finger.

      Collective care and justice should be rooted in compassion, not denigration and superiority complexes.

      • ThereRisesARedStar [she/her, they/them]
        11 months ago

        superiority complexes.

        TIL needing to mask for health reasons is a superiority complex.

        I’m not going to address any of the rest of your comment except to say, stop tone policing a shitpost. The point was to vent about a genuine frustration, not to convince anyone. And just don’t tone police in general.

      • Kuori [she/her]
        4411 months ago

        yeah we are pretty pro-bullying people who are doing shitty things over on hexbear, this isn’t going to land

      • @some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
        611 months ago

        To quote a Tshirt I once saw: Kindness is more punk rock than a middle finger.

        Wow. Everything you said before this swayed me but this is such an awesome statement that I had to say thanks for expanding my vernacular.