What’re you into, what’re you looking forward to, what’re you happy about?
I am feeling terribly self-harmy in advance of my birthday next week
I got to the point of making a pros and cons chart
give me something to be vicariously happy about or something to look forward to, please
My partner made extremely yummy food! I failed to beat Malenia again today, so that’s 2 days of trying, but I’ll get there. I made it to phase 2 today, so it’s only a matter of time!
In general, I am extremely fortunate to have made it to a point where I truly don’t feel like my life is missing anything, and can reliably keep a roof over my head with some savings. I know this is more than many people can say for themselves, but I allow myself to be happy about my own position, as I’m ultimately just another worker.
I wish I could reach out and help you, but in absence of that I want to say I am here to lend an ear if you need help. It does get better. I used to think about harming myself daily, even hourly, but I can say that over time those feelings have become far less frequent. It still happens every once in a while, or I’ll get extremely anxious, but forward progress keeps me hopeful.
I hope you have a happy birthday!