From one retail worker to another. My most recent one was a lady who had the arrogance to comment on my weight who then yelled “fatso” at me when I ignored her and walked away.

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    2 months ago

    My worst customer service experiences were in call centers, and my absolute favorite, which really showcases how fucked up corporations are is this:

    A problem caller, would call in every day multiple times a day, asking for a (I’m going to be vague here because I’m not sure how easy this would make it to find me by like, company social media teams or whatever) niche service that we offered that most customers never asked for and almost no customers needed more than once or twice.

    We charged a small (low double digits) fee for it and he would have the service 3, 4 times a week, and then call in demanding a credit for the fee and screaming and cursing and using slurs until he got it, multiple times a day, every day. Even on the days when he’d already been credited.

    Well we’d been complaining about him to management for months because he was so abusive and scary for the agents to deal with, and then a bomb gets dropped. He was using the service to cover his trail so he could harass his ex wife.

    I thought, damn, motherfucker, we’ve got you now. That’s a felony. That is against TOS. You’re going to get your whole account shut down.

    Told upper management, they didn’t give a single solitary shit about him harassing our people or his ex.

    Tracked his stuff obsessively for several more months, noticed that due to getting multiple credits for every time he got that service applied, he actually hadn’t paid us in over a year. Looked over his address’s history and found that he had like 3k in charged off accounts where he’d done the same exact thing and then when people were consistent enough about refusing credit and the bills weren’t fully negated, he just didn’t pay them.

    Sent this information to the same upper management folks, shut down within a week, address marked as forbidden to open a new account for for sales agents.

    So I guess the moral is that for a publicly traded company:

    blob-sleep: harassing people including our own employees and/or your ex-wife

    blob-stabby: you owe me money

      2 months ago

      Call centers are fun. Had a woman demand to know why she was charged for an x rated movie. Asked he who could have been home at the time. It took her way too long to realize if her husband was the only one home, and the movie was purchased from their bedroom TV… 2+2.

      I like the time a lady was screaming about getting scammed by someone who bought a new phone with her account. I noticed a lot of notes about her phone being broken recently. At one point she was yelling to me about when her husband gets back from the store I’ll have to deal with him. That’s when I realized it was Valentine’s day. Ma’am if you’re husband is at the store right now, and a new phone was purchased for your line on Valentine’s day…
      She got real quite and just hund up lol