mocking and quoting bigots I've seen so far

:liberalism: turns to pit “you know it’s hexbear when the tankie pronoun parade shows up to force pictures of pigshit in front of you!”* real quick

[*this is paraphrased, I can’t remember the exact original quote]

Or “so suddenly I’m Hitler because i think people calling themselves Fae gender is dumb”

Or “why should i need to learn a new set of different pronouns for every person I meet?” (this followed two comments after “I’m literally not a transphobe, I work with plenty of trans colleagues who feel safe around me” (average lib being scratched in real time by having to acknowledge neopronouns))

All of these shitheads claimed to be allies when they started interacting but our brilliant pronoun tags immediately made them out themselves as the bigots they are who only pretend to be allies because it looks bad to be openly and proudly transphobic

TL;DR: pitmaduro-katana-1hexbear-non-binary

  • Łumało [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Hey i’m not even from Hexbear and I’ve decided to adopt them 😘

    Also about new pronouns, it might be pretty easy to remember them in English but goddamn Polish would be something else. And I’ve seen queer people make lists of all their pronouns and declinations, which is fucking based, but by god I would need a reference from every person I type to who uses neopronouns.

    In writing it only is a slight incovienience but in talking it would destroy the flow of conversation unless I’m already familiar with said person. So good on you anglos only having 2 pronouns that need to be set.

    EDIT: For those interested in our little shitshow, here have a wikipedia link lel:

    EDIT 2: You can also speak in Polish using a genderless passive way (don’t know how to tranlate it properly) by refraining from using pronouns at all. Or I use other sentence steuctures as to avoid using pronouns. It sounds funny at best and unnatural at worst. I use it when talking to trans people in public, as to maintain their safety and give them proper respect by refusing to use wrong pronouns.

    “Chciałbyś/Chciałabyś (already genered words have been used) napić się herbaty?”

    Would you like to drink some tea?

    “Może napilibyśmy się herbaty?”

    How about we drink some tea? (We just specifiy that we are talking about us togerher)

    “Przydałoby się wypić trochę herbaty.”

    I/We should drink some tea. (EDIT 3: After a bit of thinking I came to a realization that this sentence can refer to ourselves alone or us with the other person, but it depends on the context to know whether plural or singular is emphasized.)

    “Wypiłoby się herbaty?”

    Would we/you drink tea? (In this sentence we completely omit not only the gender. But also the singluar and plural. But we also give context that we don’t talk about ourselves alone by making this a question. The only uncertain thing is wether we talk about us together or them alone)

    EDIT 4: The better translation of the above sentence would be “Should/Would tea be drank?” because now I remembered that the formal way to call this type of talking is passive personless. (Bierny bezosobowy)

    Polish is funky.