• TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    No, he’s really not. He’s in how many court cases at the moment? His Russian funders are busy losing a land war they started. He’s already lost the general once. People had four years of him so he’s a known quantity.

    No, that’s fucking stupid. He’s not more dangerous than ever. It’s idiotic to suggest so.

    Should we we be cautious? Of course. But the best possible outcome for this election slcycle was a fracturing of the Republican part and that’s what has happened. They’re fucked because after 40 years of Republicanism, they don’t mean or stand for shit other than hate and oppression. Their entire policy back catalogue is bunk. They’ve got nothing and are on the wrong side of everything and everyone, even their voters, know it.

    This just good popcorn content at this point.