So I’m gonna try to start running WDH and I’m confident with chapter 1 Finding Floon. I also think I know how to run the actual Eye Heist situations.

I’m wondering if what I have planned for chapter 2 is too much?

For anyone not familiar, at this point in the module PCs have ownership of a tavern and different factions are supposed to come interact with them to basically draw PCs into the fabric of the city.

The book suggests a few members of different fractions visiting, some quests and a potential rivalry situation.

I’m planning on doing a few faction quests but substituting a few for Heists from “Keys from the Golden Vault” as well as a potential tournament/holiday thing. I think this section could be like 12 sessions. Is that too thick for this module? Does that draw PCs too far from the initial campaign pitch and story?

    1 year ago

    I think it depends in large part on how often you play. If you’re doing like 6 sessions a month, 12 sessions isn’t too much. If you’re only playing once or twice a month, that’s like a whole year you’re committing, which will probably be too long to focus on quests like these