Welcome new members! Please take a second to read the rules located in the community sidebar.
We are doing our best to appeal the Reddit ban. In the meantime, we thought it might be nice to have a new safe space to snark and have made lemmy.ca our new home.
Please bear with us while we figure the new site out and please let any former TBP Reddit users know we are here!
For any mobile Lemmy users there are all sorts of flavours to try (keep in mind there are a handful that have gone out of development).
The same is true for webusers there is a lot of choice over the default. For reddit veterans hopping in, may I recommend mlmym (https://old.lemmy.ca) to help you ease into things. The Alexandrite frontend (https://alex.lemmy.ca) in “Cards” mode mimics newreddit somewhat, minus all the reddit ads and bullshit.
@Cheesecake@lemmy.ca I hope this may help you too.
Thanks!! Yes! The joy of no ads is unparalleled. The ads on Reddit are redundant and there’s one for some eyelid mite. Ew. you can’t hide it and it was grossing me out. Every. Damn. Day. Lol
FYI, I added link to mobile and UIs in this thread: https://lemmy.ca/post/22652027