Are we sure this isn’t illegal? It seems illegal

    1 month ago

    It’s so illegal I think it might even be sufficient to pierce the corporate veil and charge Musk directly with attempted blackmail. I mean, that’s what he’s trying to do - blackmail and extort Tesla shareholders.

      621 month ago

      It only took one shareholder to sue and invalidate his last compensation package. I suspect that same shareholder or a few others are game to try it again, especially if this time it’s coming from a more direct threat to the company and those shares’ value.

      111 month ago

      I may have some names and details wrong here, but Elon is not the brains of AI.

      He did start Open AI to find some people with the brains.

      Andrej Karpathy was the mastermind of Tesla’s FSD. He left the company after it was clear his developments would get FSD solved with enough data and compute. He’s no longer at Tesla, but it is primarity his work that everything is based on.

      Jim Keller was lead developer of the FSD inferrence chip I think. He also helps develop chips for Apple and Intel. He is not at Tesla.

      Emil Talpes is lead architect of Dojo chip

      Ganesh Venkataramanan is lead architect of Dojo supercomputer system

      What we can credit Elon with is telling folks to make a robo taxi back in 2015 and paying people to do it, but thats about it. Keep in mind he became the richest man in the world for doing this. He doesnt need more compensation at the expense of Tesla and its shareholders.

      If Elon died today Tesla would be just fine. I’d argue even better… A lot of folks I talk to think Teslas are cool cars, but hate Elon’s toxic personality and fear his attacks on free speech. They don’t want to support such a maniacal weirdo.

    • applepie
      41 month ago

      These bitches ain’t shit with out their pimp daddy!

    651 month ago

    This really looks like another one of those times that Elon’s big stupid mouth is going to get him in trouble just because he doesn’t know when to shut the actual fuck up.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      81 month ago

      When has that ever happened? The man has never faced a meaningful consequence in his entire life, that’s why he’s so awful.

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
          11 month ago

          And that had zero negative impact on him. He still had enough money left over to live a million years in opulent wealth.

          • Stern
            101 month ago

            On one hand he’s still rich enough to drive 5 golden Tesla’s tied together and when they run out of juice call 5 golden helicopters tied together to come pick him up.

            On the other, its definitely been a PR nightmare for him and I think a significant amount of trust has been lost in his magic touch, which money can’t buy back. Tesla stock can be seen as faith in Elon himself, and its been on a downward trend since this Twitter stuff started. Alltime high of 407 in November 2021. 328 by the time the sale went through in April 2022… 175 right now.

            I’m hopeful if it crashes into the ground we get EV’s that don’t suck ass and are cheap enough to compete with dino juice cars. My cynical ass is of the opinion that Tesla falling apart will just mean EV’s as a whole will fall apart, as they’re practically synonymous.

            • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
              31 month ago

              TSLA was massively over-inflated before the Twitter deal. I guess part of that was because of the hype he had surrounding his image. But Tesla was due for a correction, especially with other manufacturers bringing more EVs into the market. I think Musk continuing to make very public idiotic statements has hurt his reputation among regular people and investors more than his stupid Twitter deal did, and he was going to continue doing that regardless. I admit that I could be wrong, but I think his mouth and his ego have cost him a lot more than the Twitter deal did.

            • @jonne
              11 month ago

              we get EV’s that don’t suck ass and are cheap enough to compete with dino juice cars.

              BYD is making those

              • Stern
                31 month ago

                Biden ain’t keen on letting us have them cheap and lord knows it ticks all the wrong boxes for Trump so I don’t see him changing course… Then there’s the whole multiple fires thing which would absolutely be hopped on by anyone with an axe to grind (presuming those 10 were all just random fires and not the cars being tinderboxes)

                  11 month ago

                  Trump would dismantle all the Biden stuff he can just like he did with Obama. Doesn’t matter if its good, but if Biden did it he would undo it.

    • @jonne
      1 month ago

      There’s never any consequences though, he keeps failing up. Hopefully the shareholders call his bluff, but a lot of them buy into the Musk mythos.

  • Fat Tony
    491 month ago

    Is this a thing in business? Do you actually ever threaten your shareholders like that? I am seriously curious here.

    451 month ago

    Wah wah I’ve blown loads of money buying a dying social media brand and driving it into the ground.

    Give me more money now or I won’t use my special money making powers to make this company more money.

    Legal or not. Does anyone have any idea what these AI and robotics things, that only Elon holds and were developed by him completely separate to Tesla, are?

      81 month ago

      It’s Elon, he thinks he has the execution capacity to bring it to Tesla. He’s been saying for years: in 2021 there will be robo taxis. It never happened and never will for Tesla. They need a sub $25k vehicle and always have and he fucked it up. If the cyber truck was half the size and not made of stainless it would have been around $25k probably. Get fucked Elon.

      1 month ago

      I think the guy is a dumb bass like everyone else, but wasn’t he forced into buying twitter? Correct me if my memory’s faulty

        1 month ago

        He was simply made to follow the law. Then he tried to spin it as that being akin to “being forced”. Basically, he signed contracts he didn’t understand and probably thought the other side would not follow through.

        If that’s “being forced” then any transaction where you put in a written, signed order and then if you try to cancel the order, the seller says “no dice, you committed yourself”, would mean “you are forced into it”.

    271 month ago

    I don’t think the world or anyone but Elon’s sycophants are looking forward to the shoddy AI and shoddy (remote controlled by humans) robotics that he will be capable of.

    • El Barto
      81 month ago

      No, they don’t.

      Otherwise he could have weaseled his way out of buying Twitter.