The Great Firewall of Burgerland
Internet border wall
perfectly normal country where shit like this just gets tacked on to giant fopo bills
No longer will our children suffer from the evil chinese brainwashing machine!
TikTok Tac Toe
It’s the only social media I use because the algorithm is so precise, it’s intensely trained on cat videos and possum videos. It doesn’t serve me anything else at this point, it’s a thing of beauty
Fuck you Joe, I want cat and possum videos
The algo is kinda insane cos it calibrates so fast and knows what i want at that point in time like it can read my fucking mind. Youtube either shows me videos that are already in my sub feed, videos I’ve already watched or fascist content
I’m sure it serves you ads
What it doesn’t serve is right-wing garbage when you feed it literally anything, unlike YouTube and Twitter
TikTok, this site, tumblr and a few subreddits are my only social media for this very reason.
I can’t go two seconds anywhere else without getting a video saying that people like deserve to die just because it would be funny if we died. At least on these sites that number is slightly less.
Nazis have the entire world as one big circlejerk for their ideas. All I want is one small circlejerk for my unpopular but correct ideas.
tiktok vanced
In North Korea the media must serve the interests of the ruling class.
If it doesn’t it gets shut down under false pretenses.i have never used tiktok but this is really shocking. i want to leave this country asap
US invades US after US announces nationalization of key industry
ah shit i knew i should have put all my money into VPN stocks
Biden regime has ruled that media platform requires itself to be attached to a state apparatus for citizens to be allowed to use it.
they don’t have a problem with tik tok. the concern is the chinese ownership of tik tok. all that bad privacy stuff is no issue as long as the owners are “friends”.
It’s still pending legal challenge ofc, but from everything I’ve read they’re only going to ban it from appearing on app stores, which should mean that anyone not on an Apple device can still install the app, and anyone with any device should still be able to access the website.
So I’m expecting TikTok to continue to be very popular with Americans even after they’re no longer “officially” supported.
I think this will be overturned in the courts, but who knows what SCOTUS will decide.
Do twitter next
Stopped clock etc etc.