Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to trap the west into a total war across the Middle East that would have incalculable consequences for the region and the world, Iran’s top diplomat in the UK has claimed, in his first interview since Tehran launched an unprecedented missile and drone attack against Israel at the weekend.

Seyed Mehdi Hosseini Matin also warned that if Israel made “another mistake” by launching an attack on Iran, there would be a response from Iran that was stronger, more severe, and administered without a warning like that issued before the weekend attack.

The salvo of more than 300 drones and missiles – almost all of which were intercepted by Israel and its allies or fell short of their targets – came in retaliation for a 1 April airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, that killed several Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards officers. Israel’s top general, Lt Gen Herzi Halevi, has said the country would respond, but it remains unclear what form that would take.


    • Cethin
      -372 months ago

      Except this is totally wrong. Israel is doing it out of self interest, not some weird conspiracy to drag the west into something. They want to gain power for themselves, just as Iran, the US, and every other country wants to do. There is zero reason to think it’s more than that. Bibi needs a distraction, and that’s what all of this is.

        492 months ago

        It’s not a weird conspiracy though. It’s just that dragging the US into protecting Israel from Iran has the effect of halting US criticism of the Gaza genocide.

        • Cethin
          -72 months ago

          Or maybe Iran is making a play by saying something to enflame Americans? I don’t know why anyone would listen to Iran suddenly. Sure, they’re against Israel, which is the popular stance here right now (for good reason), but they don’t care to be accurate. They say something because it’s useful.

          I wasn’t on Lemmy then, but I’d be curious to see what Lemmy would have been like during the Iranian protests that I think we’re last year. I’m sure they’d be saying Iran is lying about everything then and only saying what’s useful. I don’t know why anyone would trust a word they say now.

          Anything with power is always lying. Consider what purpose saying it has. Even if it’s true, they’re saying it to manipulate. The actual implied intent is a lie.

            112 months ago

            I don’t think you have to “listen to Iran” to know Israel attacked their embassy compound.

            • Cethin
              12 months ago

              That’s not what I’m trying to say. Obviously that happened. This post is about some master plan to drag the west into a war with Iran. That’s almost certainly not happening. Israel is just trying to do things to gain power, and so is Iran.

                22 months ago

                Have you seen this report.

                If it’s true then Israel attacking Iran has had the exact effect on the US that we predicted - softened their response to the genocide.

                • Cethin
                  22 months ago

                  Yeah, that’s more like what I expect to come out of it.

          • HobbitFoot
            72 months ago

            I don’t think Iran is trying to inflame Americans, but more noting that the continued attacks on Palestinians are not going to be tolerated diplomatically for long. This is a diplomatic crisis and different sides are negotiating both publicly and privately.

            • Cethin
              22 months ago

              Iran’s attack was in response to Israel attacking their embassy, not Palestine.

        182 months ago

        I mean, yes. Iran is unironically very talented at manipulating regional politics to their favor. You don’t have one of the best systems of proxies and catpaws in the region without knowing shit like that.

        Iran’s international competence isn’t generally the problem - but whether to trust what they say. Usually, the answer is “No, you shouldn’t trust anything out of their mouth”, but in this case, it’s a “The sky is blue” moment.

    252 months ago

    This has been Israel’s aim for its entire existence. It’s no mere coincidence that any country that could potentially stand up to it has been invaded or otherwise regime changed (Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc) or paid off (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc, but likely only to hold them off because their turn will come later). Iran is a major item on the hit list.

    42 months ago

    While Netanyahu would love to draw all of NATO into a giant Middle Eastern conflict, I think he knows that goal isn’t realistic. What he’s likely aiming to accomplish is to destroy as much of Iran’s nuclear program as possible. That’s been his goal for over a decade.

    22 months ago

    I find it interesting that they said there’d be a larger response if Israel retaliated 2 days ago, but now they’re saying there will be no response to Israel’s retaliatory strike.

    • @breakfastmtn@lemmy.caOP
      22 months ago

      Probably just an effort to discourage escalation. They don’t have diplomatic relations so they’re always signalling through military and public statements. Iran doesn’t want a direct war with Israel and wants to go back to the shadow war they’ve been fighting for decades. They’ve been sabre-rattling militarily and pressuring restraint diplomatically since their attack. They’re obviously not going to say “attacking us in a limited way is totally cool,” but I think the takeaway is basically “we won’t escalate if you won’t.”

    -202 months ago

    By “the west” I assume this means the US and Germany because at this point do any other countries even really support Israel?

      52 months ago

      Isn’t that enough!? OK, I suspect there are other governments out there that will fall on the side of Israel should push comes to shove. I strongly suspect the UK will also support Israel when it comes to it.

        32 months ago

        It’s just weird how people use “the west” and are just talking about the US. Gives off the vibes of some people calling China “the orient”.

      192 months ago

      Yeah Iran should just keep getting hit by the bully (having top military generals get assasinated in consulates) without hitting back!

      Always remember, if the bullied kid fights back, two parties are at fault!

        -102 months ago

        Well Iran did start this latest round (using Hamas for plausible deniability) at the request of Russia to make a distraction for Ukraine.

        They might have even taken into account Bibi being a monster and going too far in retaliation. That makes attacking Israel the perfect target to split US attention.

        So at this point I expect Xi to go after Taiwan as soon as the US election is over. While Russia continues on Ukraine. And Israel does Israel things with Iran goading them on indirectly.

          72 months ago

          Start what with Hamas? Are you talking about Oct 7th? Iran had nothing to do with that. Stop watching Israeli news. It’s a firehose of lies.

            -52 months ago

            Has nothing to do with Israel. Russia has been asking all their allies for help with supplies or support in Ukraine. This includes Iran. They met multiple times last year. Ultimately Hamas attacked Israel. Hamas doesn’t execute a plan at the scale that happened without Iran knowing. It doesn’t take any propaganda to put these pieces of the bigger puzzle together.

              12 months ago

              And as long as the world has the attention set on the shit show in Palestine, less attention is set on Russia raping, torturing and murdering civilians in Ukraine.

              Funny thing: an awful lot of countries that increased their business with Russia after the invasion of Ukraine are the ones rushing to condemn Israel.

              A grown up person knows that targeting civilians with rape, murder and torture is something that should be condemned regardless of level. In the case of Ukraine a lot of Russian friends were happy just “hoping that there will be peace soon” even with Bucha fresh in their memory.

              At least now we know that India, South Africa and parts of South America are totally fine with colonization. So now we can leave that part of the history behind and know what to say the next time any of those countries bring it up.

  • NaibofTabr
    -542 months ago

    Alright cool Iran, you see the potential danger. So how about you don’t escalate shit yourselves?

      2 months ago

      Sending a message “We can overwhelm your batteries of 100,000 dollar missiles with 1000 dollar drones if we want to.” is a de-esclatory action; it shows that escalating would be bad for Israel, without requiring a response.

      Edit: According to an Israeli general, the Israeli missiles cost a total of ~1 billion. IDK if this includes the missiles launched by the US.

        42 months ago

        Most of that 1 billion is on the American taxpayer. This is why you don’t have universal health care. You need to spend billions, so Israeli military bases don’t suffer from the consequences of attacking an Iranian embassy.

        The US government has promised to continue this line of spending.

        -132 months ago

        That’s not how I would read that. That would make me want to destroy the facilities the weapons came from

        This is not a defense of Israel’s choices, this is a hypothetical response to an enemy making clear an engagement pattern is not in my favor. Find a new engagement.

          202 months ago

          That’s not how I would read that. That would make me want to destroy the facilities the weapons came from

          Bombing American factories would be a hell of an escalation.

            2 months ago

            I get you’re trying to gotcha me, but you proved my point. If Iran had the means to go after American weapons production facilities, that certainly would be another engagement pattern.

            They don’t really have the means to do so, so it’s irrelevant.

            I never suggested Iran’s course of action wrt Israel was nonsensical, in the context of retaliation to Israel’s embassy bombing (which was despicable)

            Edit what we are discussing here is now Israel’s next response to Iran, in light of them not being able to afford to shoot down tons of Iranian drones.

            What has happened has happened, and we have no signal that iran and Israel are going to leave the extremism behind, and start a big happy family.

            Israel will be seeking a new vector of retaliation, and they can’t just sit back and try to shoot down drones.

            I get you probably want to respond that they should just cease all aggression and the drones would stop. I agree but that’s not what’s happening.

            Likewise I agree that the us should absolutely stop supplying / supporting Israel, but that also isn’t what’s happening.

              152 months ago

              iran and Israel are going to leave the extremism behind

              Don’t both sides this shit, Iran has been exceedingly level headed in the face of multiple acts of war, making only token or equal responses after having their ships stolen, a civilian airliner shot down, the guy who beat ISIS assassinated while on a diplomatic mission, their IAEA compliant nuclear program attacked, sanctions, violations of treaties, etc.

        • partial_accumen
          352 months ago

          The US has been pumping out anti- Iranian propaganda for the last two years; their citizens are virtually foaming at the mouth for war.

          I don’t like how Iran treats its population, and especially its women. I don’t like that Iran is helping Russia invade Ukraine. Iran arming Houthi rebels screwing up global trade is annoying.

          As someone from the USA, I say none of that is a good enough justification for going to war with Iran. Even apart from the inevitable tragic loss of civilian life of Iranians, its not about having or not having the military might. We spent untold billions trying to make Afghanistan viable. I’m not interested in another repeat of that.

            152 months ago

            Also fighting in Iran would be a fucking nightmare Afghanistan but bigger basically. Hell the only reason that Islam was able to spread there is cause the Persian empire and Rome veat the living shit out of eachother and even then it took nearly a thousand years for the last major Zoroastrian regions to convert.

          • Cosmic Cleric
            142 months ago

            As someone from the USA, I say none of that is a good enough justification for going to war with Iran.

            We should all remember that the Iranian government is not the same thing as the Iranian people, before going to war.

              102 months ago

              Unfortunately a lot of people actually hate Muslims so that argument isn’t going to work like you intended.

              • Cosmic Cleric
                12 months ago

                Unfortunately a lot of people actually hate Muslims so that argument isn’t going to work like you intended.

                Maybe true, but also, it’s up to each of us individually to fight prejudice within ourselves. And either way, it’s worth saying, even if it ends up not being effective.

                If we use the excuse of just allowing our hate to do what it wants, by evolving down to our base animalistic selves, then the center will not hold.

              62 months ago

              Do you think any place whose gov’t America has gone to war with since WWII is better for it?

              America doesn’t go to war with a gov’t, our gov’t goes to war with the people. This is why they have insane civilian casualties, but fail to accomplish strategic objectives.

              I guarantee no woman or gay person in Iran wants to be liberated by a B-52.

              • partial_accumen
                42 months ago

                Do you think any place whose gov’t America has gone to war with since WWII is better for it?

                America (and most countries) don’t go to war to help out that country’s populace. They do so to achieve geopolitical goals. Any outcome positive or negative to the populace of that country is usually superfluous to the primary geopolitical goals.

              2 months ago

              This is true. The Iranian people are wonderful, and are victims of a conservative government. Iran is an example of what unchecked conservative governing looks like.

        • NaibofTabr
          2 months ago

          their citizens are virtually foaming at the mouth for war

          So, you’re wrong, there isn’t even enough interest to go to war for Ukraine, a fight that is arguably more just. Nobody is “foaming at the mouth” to go back to the middle east, except for the types that are generally foaming at the mouth anyway.

          But worse, you’re generalizing, which makes you wrong by default.

          There’s no point trying to convince them of anything

          Sounds like you’re incapable of defending your position with any rational discussion, so you dismiss the possibility out of hand. How transparent.

      • NaibofTabr
        -412 months ago

        Ah yes, responding to an attack with a bigger counterattack is deescalatory, of course.

        The mental gymnastics are strong with this one.

          472 months ago

          Responding to an unprovoked bombing of an embassy with a demonstration that you can hit military targets, and you could have hit them much harder is infact deescalatory.

          Escalatory would be bombing Israeli embassys and other non-military targets.

            312 months ago

            You’re wasting your time I suspect. If you had to explain your very simple point a second time I suspect they are falling on deaf ears.