The Republican frontrunner has vowed to put an end to ‘horrible’ wind turbines, pledging to undo yet another key US green policy

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  • @henfredemars
    2 months ago

    I know people who are strongly against wind renewables. Why? Uhh… because they kill birds. And whales! And they uhh, don’t break down, or something. So they’re not perfect, and we should buy more oil.

    It’s because a lot of money is spent on programming the gullible to help maintain the status quo and keep some rich people get extra super rich.

      102 months ago

      I’s probably because they’re adhering to their in-group’s beliefs. The in-group (conservatives) doesn’t like renewables, so they don’t. When pressed for why, they don’t really have a good answer, so they’ll desperately grasp for anything that’s remotely plausible.

      We’re all susceptible to this, and it probably had advantages for ancient humans.