"For all that science has learned about the workings of life, death remains among the most intractable of mysteries…

"New research into the dying brain suggests the line between life and death may be less distinct than previously thought…

“Death may be far more alive than we ever thought possible…”

    • @henfredemars
      53 months ago

      When I read these articles, even when they are a pleasure to read such as this one, I have reservations. It’s important that we remember the purpose and methodology of science. We must ask ourselves what we wish to achieve. To apply science to this subject is inappropriate.

      By all means let’s study the brain, but we should not attempt to study after death experience IMHO.

      • @Randomgal@lemmy.ca
        03 months ago

        How is this any different form studying the distant stars or the origin of the universe? Science should try to understand everything, because we don’t know what we don’t know.