1st time brewer:

It’s been 6 hours since I added the yeast and I’m seeing lots of foaming and seperation of my pear bits from the rest of the mead melomel. Should I be concerned?

  • spamfaux
    1 year ago

    Welcome to mead brewing! Melomels are a great first brew!

    Without knowing the recipe you used it’s hard to provide a ton of specific help but something’s to consider:

    • the separation comes from the CO2 pushing the fruit bits up… you can do some punching down with a sanitized stirring tool (spoon, chopstick, whatever works) to let some of that gas out
    • this becomes extra important if you brew your next melomel in a bucket - punching down keeps your fruit moist and prevents mold growth
    • watch for blow off - some yeast goes hard for fruit and may cause a ton of expulsion of gas which can get in your airlock. If that happens either clean it out or swap to a blow off tube rig

    Otherwise, good job and have fun watching your yeast chomp that sugar.