The Supreme Court justice used wealthy connections through the Horatio Alger Association, a scholarship organization, to benefit himself and his wife.

  • @henfredemars
    41 year ago

    The greatest harm isn’t even in the actions of the court itself, but it is in the undermining of institutions and confidence in a just system even further.

      11 year ago

      I got a bogus moving violation ticket in a ghetto. Decided to fight it. Watched as minority after minority got their ass handed to them in traffic court. Cops are super rude about everything. Few months later I get jury duty. Hispanic man accused of a violent crime…ok yeah. I have already seen how the sausage is made.

      Now I didn’t get picked they had enough before they even got to me but I admit I would be very disinclined to take the justice systems word. Maybe that is the wrong attitude to have. Just because the justice system is very very imperfect doesn’t mean that there is no crime.

      Everytime the justice system does something like this. Mistreats minorities or the poor, refuses to go after the powerful it weakens it’s authority. And we are all worse off.