Air Canada appears to have quietly killed its costly chatbot support.

    884 months ago

    What i find most stupid about all of this is that Air Canada could just have admitted a mistake, payed The refund of ~450 USD which is basically nothing to them. It would have waisted no one’s time and made good customer service and positive feedback. Then quietly fix the AI in the background and move on. Instead they now spend waaayy more money on legale fees, expensive lawyers, employees sallery, have a disabled AI, customer backlash and bad press all costing them many hundreds of thousands of dollars. So stupid.

      94 months ago

      Test case.

      Like whoever wrote the underlying bot (chatgpt?) Doesn’t want a precedent saying bot is liable, so they will invest huge resources into this one case.

      They probably settled thousands of cases waiting for this one to come up, thinking this one had the right characteristics.

        74 months ago

        You’d think they’d have tried a better case then. They lost in the court of public opinion as soon as it was about bereavement and their argument that the chatbot on their own site is a separate legal entity they aren’t responsible for is pants on head stupid.

        In a way, we should be grateful they bungled it and are held liable, other companies may be held to the same standard in the future.