Me too. As one data point, I don’t use mine to access the web. However, it did get me confident with Linux as a viable choice for my desktop today. I went on to install it dual boot on my main and rarely if ever open Windows. It’s probably a couple months behind in updates.
In the end I just uninstalled windows because every time I opened it, it tried installing all updates and I had to wait 20-30 mins to get to the desktop
Winget, the M$ Store and the other PM I forgot the name of (not choco) exists. But it should one day completely replace .exe installers, they aren’t even practical nor secure! There is no moderation like in an app store.
Me too. As one data point, I don’t use mine to access the web. However, it did get me confident with Linux as a viable choice for my desktop today. I went on to install it dual boot on my main and rarely if ever open Windows. It’s probably a couple months behind in updates.
In the end I just uninstalled windows because every time I opened it, it tried installing all updates and I had to wait 20-30 mins to get to the desktop
And don’t forget the ten different single app updaters because there’s no centralized update system. There’s just so much stuff running all the time.
Hey so I know you deleted the Edge shortcut from your desktop the last three times, but this time I think you’ll really like it, so I added it back!
Tbh I prefer individual installation control and don’t really like the Linux store page method. I’d much rather install directly from the developer.
Winget, the M$ Store and the other PM I forgot the name of (not choco) exists. But it should one day completely replace .exe installers, they aren’t even practical nor secure! There is no moderation like in an app store.