Now on top of my workload, which is already insane, I’m expected to set and meet personal goals by some arbitrary deadline? This shit is so condescending. I’m an adult, being paid to exchange my time and work for a salary. I don’t need to be treated like a child and made to complete these homework assignments to prove my growth within the company. Anyone else dealing with this shit right now?

    01 year ago

    Doesnt that mean you gave that company your phone number when you signed up? When I learned that was mandatory to be able to use Chat GPT, i noped out. Dont need any more spam calls, for one!

    • @henfredemars
      1 year ago

      No, I don’t think so. I just used my Google account for it. My work uses Google Workspace, so I already had an account, and we have permission to use it as long as we don’t reveal company proprietary data in using the service.

      I’m not sure if it needs a phone number for personal use.