• @RedditWanderer@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Lmao, that’s the epitome of something that sounds smart but is incredibly stupid when you think about it. Especially in response to this meme.

    In FPTP not voting for the chosen democratic representative means one vote less is required for the conservative. It doesn’t matter if that’s because you added a vote for Democrats, or didn’t vote at all. Same for voting 3rd party, it just ensures you get the candidate you want the least.

    • @Resonosity@lemmy.world
      65 months ago

      I agree with this. Choosing a lesser evil in a FPTP, bicameral political system is not the answer. Pushing for ranked choice voting is the answer, and one step towards proportional representation like what we see in the EU.

      And not voting is never the answer.

    • Sybil
      -505 months ago

      that the epitome of something that sounds smart but is incredibly stupid

      I voted for Howie in 2020 and Biden won. you don’t seem to know how voting works.

      • @RedditWanderer@lemmy.world
        405 months ago

        You don’t seem to know what anecdotal evidence or statistical analysis works.

        Biden barely won, and you didn’t get the candidate you wanted. In 2016, it’s people like you who gave trump the victory

        • Sybil
          -285 months ago

          Same for voting 3rd party, it just ensures you get the candidate you want the least.

          this claim is obviously false, since I have provided proof against it. if you want to weaken the claim, moving the goalposts, that’s fine, but don’t break a sweat.

          • @RedditWanderer@lemmy.world
            265 months ago

            Not sure if you’re just being intentionally thick or a troll.

            Youre explaining yourself that despite you voting against him, Biden won, and you didn’t want Trump and the person you voted for didn’t win. So your actions gave you the least chance of having a candidate you were aligned with.

            If anything, you are giving proof that it’s a dumb thing to do. But that would be anecdotal evidence, and there’s no need for that.

            If you manually run the results and the effects of 3rd parties, it’s pretty clear that it makes no sense in First Past the Post.

            It’s a thing known as The spoiler effect, or vote splitting and has always been a documented thing that dumb people don’t understand. Who do you think funds these 3rd parties in the first place…

            Youre being played.

            • Sybil
              -165 months ago

              So your actions gave you the least chance of having a candidate you were aligned with.

              i was aligned with the candidate for whom i voted, and i was not aligned with the candidates i voted against.

              • @RedditWanderer@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                In 2016, everyone who voted 3rd party got Trump, the candidate they wanted the least.

                In 2020, everyone who voted 3rd party was either going to get Biden, (the candidate they are moderately aligned with), or Trump, the candidate they were least aligned with.

                In both cases, people who voted 3rd party made their chances worse. If you want more parties, the laws needs to change first, or else you’re just wasting your vote and giving it to conservatives, who benefit from your 3rd party vote the most. You may not like it, but you are playing for Conservatives in the political game, and that goes for people who don’t vote too.

                • Sybil
                  -135 months ago

                  2016, everyone who voted 3rd party got Trump

                  everyone who voted for hilary got trump, too

                • Sybil
                  -155 months ago

                  you’re just wasting your vote and giving it to conservatives,

                  no, i’m giving it to leftists.

                  • Flying Squid
                    75 months ago

                    Why bother voting at all? What difference does your non-Democrat, non-Republican vote make? If you really feel the need to be self-righteous about it, save yourself the energy, stay home, and just tell people you voted for Cornel West or whoever. They’ll never know otherwise.

            • Sybil
              -165 months ago

              if i’m just too thick to understand, a big big dummy, then you better make sure the vote isn’t split: vote with me.

              • @RedditWanderer@lemmy.world
                195 months ago

                I’ll vote 3rd party when they legally and statistically have as much chance to win as the others, which doesn’t work in First Past The Post.

                First they need to change the voting system, then it will be advantageous for me to vote for someone else. Until then my vote is too important to throw away

              • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
                135 months ago

                My brother in Christ, as far as number of voters are considered, your vote is causing the split. You’re in a minority which is enabling GOP by taking away votes from DNC.


        • Sybil
          -285 months ago

          people who voted for Trump gave him the victory. 50 years of people like Joe biden running the Democrat party gave Trump the victory. don’t blame me.

          • @RedditWanderer@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            But they’ve been running the conservative party the same way for 50 years too. You’re literally admitting to hate Biden so much you let the conservatives win even if that meant making the US worse.

            Literally what the meme is about. Tell us, what have you gained from it aside from more frustration and hate? Biden didnt learn anything from 2016. You can blame biden when you lose your democracy, but you’ll still have lost your democracy. I wouldn’t wait for Biden to fix that. The democratic party is more than one person making decisions, and handing the power to your enemy is not how you make changes within your own team.

            • Sybil
              -105 months ago

              The democratic party is more than one person making decisions, and handing the power to your enemy is not how you make changes within your own team.

              the democrats aren’t my team.

            • Sybil
              -165 months ago

              You’re literally admitting to hate Biden so much you let the conservatives win even if that meant making the US worse.

              no, i’m not