The claim is a major departure for the service, which has long been known as a destination for posting short snippets of text.

    536 months ago

    The only thing worse than its video player are the literal nazis on the site, has he tried watching video there? To call it dogshit would be an insult to dogshit, which can presumably be useful as fertilizer.

    • @jonne
      166 months ago

      It’s funny how Tucker Carlson thought he could just do his show on Twitter and basically instantly lost his entire audience.

      66 months ago

      No no no you’ve got it all wrong:

      The Nazis are supposed to be a feature of the platform.

        106 months ago

        Paradox of tolerance and all that. You want a tolerant site? Can’t allow Nazis.

        Secondly, there was a wave of banning of leftists and journalists recently, it’s very much only free speech for the right there.

          46 months ago

          The paradox of tolerance is a gross misunderstanding of the concept of tolerance

          You tolerate your gay coworker - you treat them like a coworker. If any of your coworkers make inappropriate sexual comments or unwanted advances, that’s not okay. You respond appropriately, such as expressing your discomfort to them or going to hr or the police. There’s no conflict

          You tolerate racists - so long as they stay within the social contract, they’re allowed to hold whatever they want in their hearts.

          But if they violate the social contract, such as by saying racist things, you respond appropriately.

          If someone believes Nazi ideas deep down, you tolerate them. If Nazis want to organize, spread their ideals, or do Nazi things, you respond appropriately.

          It’s that simple.