• ihavenopeopleskills
    -416 months ago

    Defederating doesn’t serve anyone’s interest. If you don’t like a community or a server, block them. Let the rest of us decide for ourselves.

    • PugJesusOP
      366 months ago

      Some of us prefer the Fediverse to look a little less like 4chan and pigs shitting on their own balls, and a little more like literally anything else. It’s the same reason why that one alt-right instance was defederated by just about everyone.

    • Rikudou_Sage
      356 months ago

      Oh, it does. As an admin, my “job” is hard enough with the regular spammers, don’t need whole instances dedicated to spamming in my mod queue. Why do I need to make my hobby harder because people want to decide for themselves?

      Luckily, this is fediverse and you have options! You can host your own single person instance and federate with everyone. Just be prepared for some child porn federating onto your hard drives.

      • TWeaK
        36 months ago

        You can prevent child porn and everything from federating in, you just have to restrict your instance. lemm.ee does not allow any images to be locally hosted. It becomes a bit of a hassle having to manually host something somewhere else, but that’s how reddit started out so nae bother.

          • TWeaK
            6 months ago

            The post is in /c/meta@lemm.ee, though it’s one that I missed.

            Non-instance agnostic link (because there are no instance agnostic links for comments or posts): https://lemm.ee/post/19843583

            I really wish instances didn’t links for their comments and posts. lemmy.world/comment/123456 is a different link to lemm.ee/comment/123456, when really it should simply be that lemmy.world/comment/123456 is the same as lemm.ee/comment/123456@lemmy.world.

        • Rikudou_Sage
          26 months ago

          Sure, you can cripple part of the functionality to prevent it. Doesn’t sound like something I’d want to do.

          • TWeaK
            26 months ago

            Personally I’d say that reddit starting to self-host stuff was a big turning point in when the site started getting shit.

      • @wildginger@lemmy.myserv.one
        36 months ago

        What do you even do about that? Is that immediately a crime because your server hosted those images? Like obviously you defed from guilty instances asap, but what do you do as the instance owner in the interim? Report and delete?

        • Rikudou_Sage
          36 months ago

          Report and delete. If you’re lucky, you’re not the one to discover it and it hasn’t federated yet, so you defederate preemptively.

          I know at least one admin, who quit because he was afraid of police raids because of child porn. He said that the US police are quite uncompromising in such cases, but I’m not from the US so I don’t know, EU rules seem a lot saner.

    • TWeaK
      126 months ago

      Defederation is absolutely a valid tool to deal with spam instances. It’s less of a valid tool for dealing with voices and opinions you don’t like.

      Unfortunately, sometimes it can be hard to differentiate between the two.

    • @ahornsirup@sopuli.xyz
      6 months ago

      You can’t block entire instances as a user, at least not on Lemmy. You can block all communities (only since very recently) hosted on an instance, but you can’t block the community, that is the users, trolling around the wider fediverse.

      • PugJesusOP
        116 months ago

        I would also argue that having shitheads around and shitting up the comment sections encourages a site culture of shitheaddery. Like, well, 4chan.

        • @DahGangalang
          6 months ago

          Which puts fuckheads like me in a tough spot, since I want a classic “old internet” (read as: 4chan culture of shitheadery) feel to the place, but also don’t want to infringe on people like you’s ability to enjoy a relatively clean internet space.

          Given everything, I think having “clean” servers that defederate from toxic ones is probably the way to go just to ensure new users can have a generally good time. Then let more advanced users (like me) go find the “never defederate” instances to sign up to get that old timely feel.

          So…uh, yeah TL;DR: I think I’m on the other guy’s side, but also think you have the right of it.

          • Rikudou_Sage
            56 months ago

            You can host your own (single user) instance, which IMO is the best option with your particular mindset.

            • @DahGangalang
              26 months ago

              Yeah, the real issue is that I’m too cheap to pay for a domain name / setting up a server, though it is a goal once some other life things straightened out for me.

          • PugJesusOP
            46 months ago

            Hey man, if you or your instance wants to take a dive into the deep end, I don’t mean to stop any of you. I would just prefer the parts of the Fediverse I deal with to be clean of pigs shitting on their balls and the people who spread it.

          • BolexForSoup
            16 months ago

            No one is stopping you from standing up your own instance and quickly learning how legally exposed you are the moment you run a forum the way you’re advocating for.

            • @DahGangalang
              16 months ago

              legally exposed

              What do you mean by that? Is that to say that I might be held responsible if my instance picked some other instance that was hosting illegal content as though I were a “redistributor” or something?

              • BolexForSoup
                6 months ago

                All I’m saying is ask yourself why all the news communities here have had to crack down on folks copy-pasting articles wholesale.

                What are you going to do when people flood your instance with CSAM? Are you going to personally watch every post on every community?

                This stuff is a minefield man. And if you’re hosting it, you can bet your ass you’re the first call on the FBI’s (or your nation’s equivalent) list.