• @sir_reginald@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I’d argue the system is working quite well, every individual and/or community has the liberty to choose what to do about Meta.

    That’s what federation is all about, no central power taking decisions in behalf of everyone else.

    • @chitak166@lemmy.world
      -36 months ago

      every individual and/or community has the liberty to choose what to do about Meta.

      Untrue. Users cannot decide which instances they see.

      • @sir_reginald@lemmy.world
        46 months ago

        of course they can. if they don’t like their instance’s policies, they just have to move to another. or host their own.

        there has been people in pro-threads instances that have moved to one that blocks threads and the other way around.

    • phillaholic
      -586 months ago

      Sure, but the rhetoric behind it is my point. Trying to get everyone to do it is antithetical to the design of the system.

      • @dumpsterlid@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Sure, but the rhetoric behind it is my point. Trying to get everyone to do it is antithetical to the design of the system.

        No, it is precisely the kind of action that we must take collectively in order to protect what we value about the fediverse. This is the work of maintaining a positive community space. If you don’t agree that is fine, genuinely I think it is good there is a diversity of opinions here, but it is pretty obvious to me that if we don’t have a lot of conversations about the importance of solidarity in defending the fediverse from corporate capture then history is just going to repeat itself.

        …I am tired of history repeating itself, I like this place. I like you!

        We can’t stop a massive corporation from interacting with open source, but we can choose whether massive corporations are allowed to get away with pretending they are benign members of an open source, federated community. At the very least, it raises the dollar amount these corporations must allocate in trying to convince us they are benign doesn’t it?

        They have the money and time to convince us, even if you disagree with everything I say you can’t argue it isn’t a better strategy to be difficult to convince. Massive corporations will spend money and time up to the point marketing calculates the change in public perception is worth it and not a dollar further. They wouldn’t be doing their jobs well if they behaved otherwise and judging by how desirable those jobs are I feel like at least some of those people are pretty good at their jobs…

        • @Plopp@lemmy.world
          56 months ago

          “No, it is precisely the kind of action that we must take collectively in order to protect what we value about the fediverse. This is the work of maintaining a positive community space.”

          But therein lies the problem. The fediverse isn’t one homogenous entity. Although there seems to be an overall leftie tint to much of the fediverse, opinions on what is" valued" and “positive” vary quite a bit. The beauty of the fediverse is that you can choose your experience based on the instance you join. Trying to control the entire fediverse goes against the point of the fediverse imo.

          • @Demuniac@lemmy.world
            -26 months ago

            I don’t think trying to control is the best way of looking at it. There’s a hive mind about the fediverse that has a purpose, that wants to protect it as part of the identity of it. So a collective of instances banding together to keep that intact seems right up its alley.

        • phillaholic
          26 months ago

          Call me a pessimist, but people are caring way too much about the idealistic implementation of the technology and missing the fact that the tech doesn’t mean shit compared to the community. If you don’t care about the community growing, then that’s one thing. But if you do, Threads is the competition that you won’t be able to beat if they feel like putting in the effort.

          • @dumpsterlid@lemmy.world
            16 months ago

            You say well we have to be pragmatic because threads/meta has so much more power than us that we will be able to reach so many more people with their help (or they could destroy us equally as powerfully)…. I say but wait a minute if they have all that power why is it shitty open source software projects with several orders of magnitude less funding than Meta are providing the vision of the future AND the technology to get us there? I mean sure if we just had the vision that might make sense but we already built the tools too…?

            Honestly stop and think about why that is. Meta could have easily funded side projects and paid programmers to rewrite the code for the entire fediverse and all its associated softwares… many times over. Given the amount of money it has it could have done this over and over and over and over again and still be only spending a tiny fraction of its R&D budget. You have to convincingly explain to me why we were the ones who had to do it, through basically entirely volunteer work, and what makes you think engaging with them now AFTER we put in most of the groundwork to build the technology is a good idea.

            You say we could get us so much growth, but every single damn person they bring us will still be the product for their true customers (advertisers etc) and from those people’s perspectives nothing meaningful will have changed. The relationship between meta and its users will be essentially the same, meta has to ensure this to protect their bottom line. So people will have joined the fediverse without actually joining it, who cares at that point?

            There are a million ways meta can extend and embrace the fediverse, we need to prepare for the extinguish.

            • phillaholic
              06 months ago

              we need to prepare for the extinguish

              And my entire point is you can’t. The system is designed to allow anyone in, you can’t decided to stop someone because they are a corporation. It’s similar to people trying to stop the NSA from committing anything to the Linux kernel because you’re afraid they’re going to put in a backdoor. It can’t be done by design.

              • @dumpsterlid@lemmy.world
                16 months ago

                My point is that you can, by raising awareness about what massive corporations ALWAYS attempt to do to public commons and by encouraging everyone to defederate with them.

                Sure they can contribute to and use open source, doesn’t mean we have to treat them like they are actually well meaning members of the community?

                • phillaholic
                  06 months ago

                  Raising awareness about what massive corporations ALWAYS attempt to do

                  How many family members have you convinced to stay off Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok etc? How many are tired of you annoying them about it? Your statement isn’t false, but it’s also not new, and I’m arguing it’s inevitable. You’re not going to stop massive corporations by trying to group together a ton of individuals who all have to come to the same decisions. It’s a Catch22 of sorts. You’re only worried about it because people can’t beat corporations. You can’t overcome that because people can’t beat corporations.

                  I don’t like Meta either, and don’t use any of their products. But you’ve invited them in already.

      • @isles@lemmy.world
        486 months ago

        Not having a central authority means you have no real power to stop someone

        This is demonstrating the exact opposite. Community organization is valid.

        • @Plopp@lemmy.world
          76 months ago

          But… the majority are federated? And if counted by affected users I don’t even know how large they federated majority is since the biggest instances are all federated iirc.

          Either way I think it’s good that we can at least choose our own experience by selecting which instance to join.

        • phillaholic
          -126 months ago

          We’ll see. I don’t think you can beat a 100 Billion dollar company with 3 Billion users if they are motivated enough.

      • @sir_reginald@lemmy.world
        376 months ago

        anti-meta activism is not a bad thing at all. The billionaire corps have their marketing teams, individuals and communities have their activism. Everyone can listen to both and take an informed decision.

        They are just that, activists, informing everyone about a possible issue. There’s nothing wrong with that. They are not enforcing anything on anyone.

        The worst that can happen is that if your instance admin decides to ban Threads and you want to federate with Threads, you’ll have to switch instances. Not a big deal. You’ll still be able to interact with the Fediverse, it’s not like you were in Twitter, you had to leave and now you’ve lost all your contacts there.

        • @tal@lemmy.today
          06 months ago

          The worst that can happen is that if your instance admin decides to ban Threads and you want to federate with Threads, you’ll have to switch instances.

          Honestly, the lack of cross-instance account portability is one of the major issues that I think the Fediverse has today.

          I’d rather have some sort of public-private key system to permit for moving across instances and being able to associate accounts.

          • @sir_reginald@lemmy.world
            16 months ago

            between Mastodon instances it’s quite easy and painless. everything else is kind of a mess.

            I’d rather have some sort of public-private key system to permit for moving across instances and being able to associate accounts.

            that would be very useful and a fairly good solution.

        • phillaholic
          -46 months ago

          I don’t see moving instances as this simple thing that everyone else does. Until I can bring my comments and subscriptions over instantly it’s a huge waste of time. Regular users aren’t going to do that. I’m on my third instance already and almost didn’t make the third jump due to the annoyance of adding them all again.

          • @sir_reginald@lemmy.world
            96 months ago

            I meant on Mastodon, where it is that simple. After all, it makes more sense since they are both microblogging.

            In Lemmy it’s a bit of a hassle, but the devs were working on it.

            • phillaholic
              06 months ago

              Haven’t really done much with Mastadon, I always liked following topics over people, and when I last tried it was still firmly people based.