• @LemmyNameMyself@lemmy.world
    -147 months ago

    But freedom of speech is allowing all opinions, even when you don’t agree with them. And PCM rules include “Do not promote hate based on identity or vulnerability. This includes the use of slurs, echos, and/or Ouija style letter/word chaining. “Just a joke” is not, never has been, nor ever will it be, an excuse for breaking this rule.” and “Advocating, inciting, or participating in brigading is not allowed.”

    • @TheHolyChecksum
      77 months ago

      No. Absolutely not. Freedom of speech does not equate to tolerating intolerant speech.

      • @LemmyNameMyself@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        If you don’t allow explicitly harmful or intolerant content like slurs or calls to genocide, who decides what is “intolerant”? If you allow only some opinions but restrict others you turn a community into an echo chamber that pretends to have free speech, which is worse than having no free speech at all.

        • Sentrovasi
          47 months ago

          I think an echo chamber where everyone agrees that slurs and calls to genocide are bad is an echo chamber I’m fine with. We can argue the other stuff, but some things seem pretty cut and dry to me.

        • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
          37 months ago


          You said it was a bastion of free speech and not an echo chamber because you can say that stuff…

          Then you said they dont let you say that stuff…

          And now you’re saying you can say that stuff there again…

          I didn’t expect a lot of logic, but you’re literally switching between two opposites in every single comment in this thread

    • @NounsAndWords@lemmy.world
      47 months ago

      But freedom of speech is allowing all opinions, even when you don’t agree with them.

      It isn’t, and it never has been. The First Amendment does not protect hate speech or harmful speech.

      This sort of friendly, polite, “devil’s advocate” (emphasis on the quotes) support for Nazi speech is exactly what someone above was saying about why PCM is/was extremely toxic.

    • @unreasonabro@lemmy.world
      07 months ago

      No, silly. Freedom of speech is allowing ignorant opinions to be corrected. The idea is that if you let everyone air their dirty laundry in a civilized conversation, eventually truth will prevail. If you make all the rednecks only talk to each other who knows what the fuck out of tune shit they’ll start thinking. We’re just monkeys, man. Only a fucking retard thinks their opinions represent the whole truth. There’s a lot of fucking retards out there though. The point is, in free speech, if you say something dumb enough, you get shut down, mocked, and maybe punched in the face until you stop saying it.

      Quit acting like all opinions are valid. ALL OPINIONS ARE BULLSHIT. Stop even reading them, they’re hurting you. Go to Reuters to read news without opinionation. Learn what objectivity looks like, and try to get a handle on it.