Israel, the United States and Hamas are close to an agreement to free dozens of women and children held hostage in Gaza, in exchange for the first sustained pause in conflict in Gaza, according to people familiar with its provisions.

  • Uranium3006
    -137 months ago

    don’t shame people into voting for shit, fix your bad candidate problem. bad candidates scare off swing voters in the suburbs worse than progressive candidates

    • osarusan
      117 months ago

      If you’re given the option to lessen the chance of the greatest evil happening by merely pushing a button, and you think “naah I’m not gunna,” then you absolutely should feel shame. If your inaction supports the greater evil coming to power, absolutely shame on you.

        17 months ago

        I, for one, accept this fact alongside the ugly truth that Biden is alienating a non-negligible amount of voters which puts into question his chance of winning the needed 1 or 2 of the 5 undecided swing states for an EC victory. I’m at a loss for what to do about the situation, seems like there isn’t a clear solution.

        • osarusan
          27 months ago

          Exactly. I don’t even have any argument for people who dislike Biden, and I totally sympathize with people who want a different candidate.

          But in the end of the day, either A or B will win this election, and anything other than a vote for A mathematically works out to support for B. So unless you actually want Trump to win, the _only _reasonable choice is to vote for Biden.

            • osarusan
              17 months ago

              I don’t know. I’ve it out rationally several times to people who then get angry and emotional about it. These purity test commenters are the same way. Their position isn’t based on reason, and it often seems like showing reasoning to them won’t change their mind. But fighting certainly won’t help either.

              I think the thing you gotta do is just remain as non-confrontational as possible and explain the game theory/the math behind why it works. And let them know it’s not a condemnation of their dislike of the system, or of Biden, or of whatever. You can hate something and still vote for it, and that can still be the best choice too. Just don’t fall for the bait from those commenters who think their being cute by picking fights or turning it personal. Keep it rational. Maybe the person you’re talking to won’t change their mind, but a 3rd person who reads the conversation later on might see how you’re being rational and making points while the other guy is just being stubborn, argumentative, and irrational.

        • PugJesus
          -57 months ago

          Unfortunately, support for Israel is also widespread in the US, so in either case, Biden loses votes. From a domestic and strategic political perspective, there are no right answers.

            47 months ago

            I think support for Israel among his actual constituents is overstated, and would also sharply decline in the case of the president and senate condemning and punishing Israel for their crimes, but I can’t say anything with certainty these days.

          • Skua
            7 months ago

            Surely this can be spun as saving Israeli lives for those people? Sure, it’s going to save way more Palestinians, but you’d think it can be marketed as “I brokered the deal that saved the Israeli hostages”

      67 months ago

      So trump is a better candidate in your eyes?

      Because that is who you are effectively voting for if you don’t vote Biden next year

      37 months ago

      People should be absolutely shamed for voting for Trump. You have to be absolutely fucking retarded to think he’s a better option after the past 8 years.