Not really sure what to put here…I usually put relevant excerpts, but that got this post deleted for doing that

  • @DahGangalang
    166 months ago

    Are slaughter houses secretive?

    I was raised in an agriculture focused community and did the whole FFA thing in highschool. I’ve since moved to another state and am now living the life of a city slicker, so maybe I’ve just become out of touch, but back then none of the “how the sausage is made” stuff was hidden from us. Hell we had a whole field trip to tour a pair of meat processing plants (one for poultry, one for beef).

    Have things changed over the last 5-10 years? Is my experience just an outlier?

    • @jeffw@lemmy.worldOP
      6 months ago

      I think they’re referring to this:

      Not necessarily the slaughtering part, but the living conditions that these animals are stuck in, sometimes for years, is barbaric. Imagine being in a cage where you can’t walk and you have to stand in your own shit for days on end.

      The ethics of animal slaughter and how it’s done are almost a separate conversation imo. No living creature deserves to be tortured (and outright torture does occur, see Earthlings or Dominion for the details)

        26 months ago

        The ethics of animal slaughter and how it’s done are almost a separate conversation imo

        It is a separate conversation, and I’m glad you pointed it out because it’s an important distinction and one that is far too frequently overlooked.