Gaza has 2 million inhabitants, 42.3% of which are 14 and younger. Anyone else a little bit worried?

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    529 months ago

    Yeah that’s bad but let’s analyze this objectively

    For one I highly doubt it’s 300k, militaries love to pump out big impressive numbers wthout any regard for reality or on the ground conditions

    The majority are conscripts and paramilitary who’ve been demoralized by the Palestinian victory

    Also not all those troops are going to be sent to Gaza, using such large force in a confined space like that would be unwieldy and would tax the logistics and ammo stores of a small state like Isreal past their limit

    And troops still have to reinforce the Lebanon border, Golan Heights and the entirety of the West Bank

    The minute the Israelis enter the tangled urban sprawl of Gaza city or Khan Yunis is the minute they suffer casualties the likes they’ve never seen, futher demoralizing an already demoralized concript force

    And finally that’s all assuming Hezbollah doesn’t open up a second front or the West Bank doesn’t explode

    • CyborgMarx [any, any]
      549 months ago

      Also any video that emerges of Israeli soldiers gunning down Gazans will trigger an explosion in other Arab countries, from what I can gather from my relatives in the region (I dont want to specify which country but its a US ally) they’ve never seen a mood ike this, not even 2011, cops are out in force, people in the streets are shouting and yelling about Palestine seemingly at random and mosques are full of people talking about what’s going on, which is strange cause it’s no where near Friday, the Arab world is about to fuckin explode

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      319 months ago

      According to Wikipedia the IDF has about 169k active troops and 465k reserves. 300k troops would be 50% of all Zionist armed forces, assuming total mobilization. Even then, that only leaves half the IDF to stare down Hezbollah in the north, keep a lid on the West Bank, and so forth.

      Given how difficult it would be to call up every single reservist in 3 days, I think it’s more likely that 300k is the total number of mobilized IDF troops, not just those preparing to beseige Gaza.

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        209 months ago

        True, but the Hamas fighters have outstanding mobility and if they know their guerrilla tactics they’ll “grab them by the belt buckle” negating or limiting Israeli air power, while using tunnels and superior knowledge of the urban layout to out maneuver and wreak havoc on those demoralized blocking units

      • Awoo [she/her]
        189 months ago

        If they think they can get away with it they wont fight room to room. They’ll bomb back apartment block by apartment block.

        This won’t work. The tunnel networks prevented it in 2014 and they are vastly bigger and more complex now. There is no shifting Hamas without a painful ground operation.

      • coeliacmccarthy [he/him]
        9 months ago

        all that the bombing will do is create Eternal Stalingrad. Rubble will be deadlier for IDF than structures.