Awoo [she/her]


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  • 91 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • To reunification? Not without the US fucking off. There is desire for reunification among koreans but the US demands a seat at any table discussing reunification and prevents its occurrence.

    The US will have to be forced to leave before it can happen. This could feasibly happen without full blown war if the US is stretched on many fronts to the point it has to choose whether it can defend its bases there or whether to abandon them, much like middle east and africa bases they’ve been pushed to leave.

    Maybe there is hope that the strong and growing power of women’s- movements can coincide with a recognition that socialism is how the patriarchy is defeated?

    I think the repression is too strong. Even Chomsky’s books get banned in South Korea, anything even close to soft-red is not tolerated and cracked down upon. Socialists hide their socialism and organise through the labour unions instead without ever mentioning the word.

  • France proved the popular front strategy is the way to beat fascism

    Myopic. Fascism is a social movement caused by material conditions that can’t be “defeated” through any means other than eliminating the conditions that give rise to it.

    The conditions that give rise to fascism are the increasing proletarianisation of the petit-bourgeoisie against a backdrop of increasing deterioration of proletarian quality of life producing a rising threat of socialism, this combination forms the motivation for the bourgeoisie to fund fascists as a violent force to destroy the rising threat of socialism (kill the communists) and the material forces from which to build their base (the squeezed petit-bourgeoise feeling threatened).

    You can not “defeat” fascism. You can only remove the conditions that give rise to it. This is achieved either:

    1. Eliminating the socialists after which the bourgeoisie willingly transition the fascism back into liberalism because it’s a more efficient means of profit extraction (as seen everywhere that fascism won).

    2. Massive socdem reform to rescue capitalism from itself and alleviate the conditions building the left and right.

    3. The socialists winning and removing the bourgeoise entirely.

    Claiming this is a “defeat” of fascism is just nonsense. It’s a temporary setback to them that won’t result in number 2 happening because the country is split into thirds almost perfectly.