I only see one post when I go through my Local instance, but I see a bunch of posts when I open the community in its Home instance. Does anyone know why? And how I can see the rest of the posts so I can interact?

  • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘OP
    21 year ago

    That makes sense. A bit of off-putting for those who want to interact and lurk on both old an new haha

    I know they’re working on making it more friendly in that regard. Until that happens, though, I may multi-account it.

      • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘OP
        21 year ago

        I’ve used live betas before. This is the most functional live beta product I’ve ever used. To be fair, I used it several years ago, and 0.18 is MUCH better and more complete than whatever version I used back then. The devs have done a great job with the improvements, and I’m sure they’ll continue on the same path!

          • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘OP
            21 year ago

            0.18 has its own issues, but definitely fixes many of the issues from 0.17.

              • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘OP
                21 year ago

                That should help significantly reduce bots creating bot accounts. I Iook forward to that!

    • @thegiddystitcher@lemm.ee
      21 year ago

      Yeah I think there’s definitely a strong argument for backfilling at least the few most recent posts (and their comments) on first subscribe, rather than leaving communities looking essentially empty for that unlucky first subscriber. But whether that would cause some technical problem I’m not smart enough to understand…who knows. Whatever works best for you in the meantime!

      • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘OP
        21 year ago

        I think it can, essentially, flood the instance with comment data acting almost like a DDoS attack in a way. I know there’s a way to make it so you can view the posts (without interacting) through an almost RSS style view, keeping the data on the community instance. I don’t know if activitypub is compatible with this, though.