Reading about FOSS philosophy, degoogling, becoming against corporations, and now a full-blown woke communist (like Linus Torvalds)

  • mwguy
    1 year ago

    My apologies. Most modern Communists don’t view the USSR or PRC as examples of Communism. I falsely assumed you were in the same camp. Unfortunately for me, I can’t defend a Soviet Empire that caused the pain and suffering it did in Eastern Europe and Asia. Doing thing like killing half of all living Khazaks over a few years by intentionally starving them at scale, the Holodomor and the Great Leap Forward which killed more people than the Holocaust in less time are the sort of things I can’t defend.

    The Communist system allows these genocides to happen in the name of Collectivism and hasn’t had a post incident process where it thinks and adds ways to avoid these problems for the next implementation is why I can no longer support Communism. When that changes I can reconsider.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      1 year ago

      Most modern Communists don’t view the USSR or PRC as examples of Communism.

      Yes they do. You do not know any modern communists. I don’t think you could name a single serious communist party that does not acknowledge the USSR and PRC. Not in the west and certainly not in the global south where they are significantly less critical and more supportive of both.

      You constantly demonstrate a distinct lack of any interaction with any actual real communists. Your entire knowledge of everything is through white western liberal circlejerking. You have never been a member of a party, or a union, or even a tenants organisation. You have never done any real organising. You are not and never have been a communist.

      I can’t defend a Soviet Empire that caused the pain and suffering it did in Eastern Europe and Asia.

      For the love of god I am begging you to read Blackshirts and Reds. Or sit through the yellow Parenti lecture on youtube. You’re just unfathomably wrong about this. These were feudal prior to the revolutions, living conditions were considerably worse.

      Life expectancy does not go up when people’s lives are getting worse. What are you failing to understand about this?

      Doing thing like killing half of all living Khazaks over a few years by intentionally starving them at scale

      I have literally no idea what you’re talking about. This is either some utter bullshit that you’ve made up on the spot or another demonstration of your lack of much understanding of the topic because what you probably meant to say here was kulaks. What’s funny about that however is that you’re trying to imply that is ethnic killing in some way when kulak just means rich wealthy farm owners, the claim that kulaks were “intentionally starved” is nonsense, they were rich. They were dispossessed and forcefully collectivised.

      Holodomor and the Great Leap Forward which killed more people than the Holocaust

      “DAE communism is worse than nazism?” here you are giving away what you really support, you are a fascist upset at the fact communists defeated the nazis. Nobody within their right mind thinks this, not anyone that knows anything about the topics. Only fascists spread this shit, because it benefits them. Not only that, but it’s an antisemitic trope known as Double Genocide Theory.

      If you’re NOT a nazi, I strongly recommend you stop hanging around with nazis, because half the shit you are spewing is literally nazi propaganda and will get you accused of being one by anyone that understands these topics. You were upset at your ban? It’s because you look like a literal nazi.

      I also suggest you stop going around professing that you know a lot about communism and used to be one. You clearly don’t. It’s embarrassing. I get second hand embarrassment every time I read something you’re trying to bullshit your way through, it’s incredibly obvious and you just need to stop.

      • mwguy
        1 year ago

        Yes they do. You do not know any modern communists.

        Please. There are so many examples of modern Communists claiming that the USSR and PRC aren’t “true communism” that’s it’s become a meme.

        because what you probably meant to say here was kulaks.

        No I meant Khazaks. The Holodomor killed the Kulaks and news of it got out to the West so it got the headlines. But the same Collective Farming experiments were tried im Khazakstsn and led to mass starvation that killed over half the native population.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          1 year ago

          Please. There are so many examples of modern Communists claiming that the USSR and PRC aren’t “true communism” that’s it’s become a meme.

          Yeah? Which ones. Name a single major communist party.

          You are not referring to communists. You are referring to people like yourself, who are uneducated morons that don’t actually do any politics, but instead engage in politics as a source of entertainment through media. It’s a spectator sport for you, you’re not a participant, and neither are the “”“communists”“” that you claim oppose these things. There are a handful of trotskyist parties of relevance in the world today, and while some of those are critical of China and the Stalin period of the USSR they still uphold it other than Stalin. Even Trotsky himself wrote that he would have done everything Stalin did anyway.

          If you’re not in orgs, you’re simply not a participant. If you’re not doing something, you’re not a communist. You’re a spectator and a non-participant.

          What actually organising communists have this position? They don’t. Because you’re fucking wrong mate.

          No I meant Khazaks. The Holodomor killed the Kulaks and news of it got out to the West so it got the headlines. But the same Collective Farming experiments were tried im Khazakstsn and led to mass starvation that killed over half the native population.

          Stop saying holodomor dumbass it’s literally the word that nazis gave to the specifically Ukrainian part of the great famine as a means of playing down the holocaust and playing down the larger famine that happened at the time. I already told you to stop being a fucking nazi.

          This region had a famine every 5 years for 1000 years and this was the last ever famine to occur in the region, thanks to the soviets.

          • mwguy
            1 year ago

            Stop saying holodomor dumbass

            No Holodomor is largely just a compound word in Ukrainian that translates loosely as “to kill with hunger” or “hunger plague”. Provide a different well known phrase to refer to this Genocide and popularize it. Additionally this phrase primarily arose in the USSR in the 1980s as domestic policy stopped censoring references to the genocide. It was Soviets who popularized the term, not Fascists.

            This region had a famine every 5 years for 1000 years and this was the last ever famine to occur in the region

            They didn’t have famines that killed 50% of the native population every 5 years. Restricting internal movement and discussion of the famines and preventing domestic and foreign aid was an intentional move designed to starve those people. And the acuteness of those famines was in large part because of Collectivism breaking the logistics of farming.

            Maybe you should be more concerned that there was a whole ass genocide you were unaware of in your model implementation instead of trying to hand wave the issue away.

            • Awoo [she/her]
              1 year ago

              This nazi propaganda again. I stopped reading at the first sentence and I’m blocking you. You’re a nazi and there’s literally no point in conversing with someone that is so blatantly acting in bad faith. If this conversation happened on the street with basically anyone here in Manc you’d be bricked over the back of the head.